A Fire Burning In My Heart

This week’s PRACTICAL DREAM ANALYSIS report is about relationships in the body of Christ. She asked God about this and this dream is about the answer He gave her. Remember the analysis reports are part of our “Dreams and Visions Interpretation Course” program. These reports will be of tremendous value as it will slowly but surely train you and prepare you to master the gift of the “interpretation of dreams and visions”. You will eventually interpret dreams and visions correctly and according to Biblical principles. Of course it will become easier and quicker as you get more familiar with the different principles that govern dream and vision interpretation.

Although it is a gift, it is a gift that God gave all his children.

Although it is a gift, it does take time and practice. Apart from getting more and more familiar with all the different symbols, the principles and the different fundamentals of dream analysis, it also cultivates a closer and more intimate relationship with Christ our Lord.

So, read all the reports as faithful as you can and stand up and be counted!


I dreamed I was taking a test with two other women. We were in one square table in what seemed to me like a classroom. One of them, the one to my right was Apple, my high school classmate.

See also
Purpose of Emotional Restoration Dreams

We were handed the paper that contains the question. It was a simple math problem on how to solve for the value of “n”. I immediately wrote down the equation and knew I was going to arrive at the correct answer. I knew exactly how to answer the problem. I was writing down the mathematical process on how to arrive at the answer but I expounded on each and every step to show the long way of answering instead of just writing down the actual value.

While expounding on the process, I looked for the questionnaire again to make sure that I got the question correctly. Then I looked at the process again and doubted. I saw what seemed to be a flask of vinegar and counted the strips of apple inside. I think I counted it as 11 instead of 10 that I initially thought. I looked again for the questionnaire to double check. But I could not find it. I looked again and panicked. I was crying loudly because I could not find the questionnaire in my purse. I thought to myself I know how to arrive at the answer and I know I could get the answer right but my questionnaire is missing. I could not double check my equation so I was concerned I might not arrive at the correct answer.

Then I saw my Aunt Rosa said time is up. I was crying and felt helpless because I didn’t calculate the final answer so I could not yell the answer and she’s already telling us to go out so we could discuss the answer. Something in me strongly wanted to tell her I know the answer and explain what happened but I could not bring myself to do it because I was crying really hard.

Dream Analysis: (As reported back to the person who had this dream)

(Remember that all the symbols that I am analyzing for you are in the dictionary. Please refer to these symbols in the dictionary because that will enable you to understand the interpretation even better)

Dream Analysis:

I dreamed I was taking a test with two other women. We were in one square table in what seemed to me like a classroom. One of them, the one to my right was Apple, my high school classmate:

Taking a test in dreams is always about passing spiritual lessons in order to grow and develop spiritually. The two women are sisters in Christ. They just symbolize you being part of a process that everybody needs to go through as Christians. A classroom or school in dreams symbolizes the training process of Christians or the school of the Holy Spirit. “Apple” symbolizes the love relationship with our groom Christ Jesus. The table is square which speaks of knowledge and revelation knowledge. A table also speaks of us waiting on the spiritual food from heaven. Love relationship, knowledge and spiritual food. So God wants to test you on this verse: Eph 3:17-19 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. This is what it is all about. To enter into a love relationship with Christ that is getting more and more intimate by the day which causes us to be so sure of his love (depth, length, breadth and height) that we do not fear anything at all. We need to get to the place where we know his love so well that we do not even fear cancer. When cancer knocks on the door we know that He loves us so much that we believe that his healing is absolutely guaranteed, causing cancer to disappear into thin air. Do You understand what I mean?

See also
Stand Up and Be Counted!!

We were handed the paper that contains the question. It was a simple math problem on how to solve for the value of “n”. I immediately wrote down the equation and knew i was going to arrive at the correct answer. I knew exactly how to answer the problem. I was writing down the mathematical process on how to arrive at the answer but I expounded on each and every step to show the long way of answering instead of just writing down the actual value:

The real test as proven above is very simple. It is all about knowing Christ very, very, very, very intimately. It is all about relationship and not about all sorts of Biblical or religious things. We can and must focus on the end result, knowing Christ inside out. Do not take the long road of religious acts or methods.

While expounding on the process, I looked for the questionnaire again to make sure that I got the question correctly. Then I looked at the process again and doubted. I saw what seemed to be a flask of vinegar and counted the strips of apple inside. I think I counted it as 11 instead of 10 that I initially thought. I looked again for the questionnaire to double check. But I could not find it. I looked again and panicked. I was crying loudly because I could not find the questionnaire in my purse. I thought to myself I know how to arrive at the answer and I know I could get the answer right but my questionnaire is missing. I could not double check my equation so I was concerned I might not arrive at the correct answer:

Vinegar is wine that went bad. Grapes and wine symbolize the goodness of God. It is all about his wonderful blessings, spiritually and financially. When we dream of grapes it speaks of God’s promises, grace and goodness. You need to focus on God’s promises. A flask vinegar speaks of God’s promises that went bad or contaminated. It speaks of You not believing that his promises are actually true. Consider Psalm 35:27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

The number 10 symbolizes completion or fulfillment. You saw the number 11 which speaks of incompleteness or disorder. In this situation, You definitely do not know the love of Christ enough (apple strips in the flask). It is this love that drives fear out. It is this love that forms the basis of faith. Something made the love of Christ sour or vinegar in your life which is a huuuggge problem. You cannot really grow and develop spiritually if you do not know his love like it is. That is the most important factor that turns unbelief into a strong miracle working faith. I know people that lives absolutely healthy, wealthy and prosperous lives, lacking absolutely nothing and not fearing anything at all in life because they know this love inside out. They are like Job. The devil complained that there was a hedge (like the material tanks are build) around Job which was absolutely impenetrable. There was just no way for the devil to get through this hedge. Job 1:10 Haven’t you placed a hedge around him, his household, and everything he owns? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.

See also
Spiritual Purification Caused By Storm?

To you the word of God is a bit technical like in mathematics. To do that actually confuses you and you become disorientated. You actually do know the answer but this way of learning God and his word makes you loose focus. You should focus on Christ, the person, only, and you should seek his face and his eyes and his heart, not the letter of the word. By doing that the school of the Holy Spirit becomes the method of supernaturally open the Bible, the word and the will of God in a supernatural way.

Then I saw my Aunt Rosa said time is up. I was crying and felt helpless because I didn’t calculate the final answer so I could not yell the answer and she’s already telling us to go out so we could discuss the answer. Something in me strongly wanted to tell her I know the answer and explain what happened but I could not bring myself to do it because I was crying really hard:

This part speaks of the need for you to change your ways about the matters I explained above. If you don’t there will come a time that the time is up and you will greatly regret it. You need to focus on a love relationship with Christ and then all the other things will fall in place. Pray, praise, worship every day. Speak in tongues. Worship in tongues. Look for Him as much as you can. Worship him and love him. You need to eat, speak, live, sleep, play, Christ alone. You need to make love to him (spiritually). If you do, somewhere a fire will start burning higher and brighter and more intense until you will be hopelessly in love with him. It is exactly at this moment that you will enter a wonderful new and exciting spiritual experience that you never knew existed.


The analysis above pretty-much explained the meaning of this dream. It is all about relationships and all about pursuing Christ the Person.

Symbols and information to be checked and studied:

(I am including this practical exercise because people tend to miss very important symbols in dreams and visions. They assume that some symbols are not important and they also do not recognize hidden or obscure symbols. This exercise will also give you the opportunity to learn the symbols by heart)

Check if you could recognize all the different symbols in the dream (include all scenes) and check it out in the dreams dictionary. Were there any symbols that you missed or did not recognize?

See also
Warning Not To Join Congregation


I need to make it clear that all we can do is we can help people understand their dreams. We can help them with the basics. We help them with most of the interpretation but even after we have done that they still need to seek God’s face about the dream. They need to deal with issues and they need to sort out their responsibilities, actions and reactions in terms of the relevant dream or vision.

Please read the posts in our newest category, “Interesting Discussions on dreams” which will help you a lot.

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