Reply To: Interpretation: Dream about a yellow/blue ball floating on sea

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Basie Martins

Hi Unge, this is an interesting dream and an interesting interpretation. A ball speaks of an opportunity to speak or preach or to speak in a spiritual sense (Gospel of Christ or the word of God), or in a business or natural situation, like in a business meeting. In this case, the ball is floating around on the surface of the sea which speaks of an opportunity to speak to unsaved people or if it does not have anything to do with spiritual issues, then the opportunity to reach the unsaved masses of this world with some kind of a message or information.

There are two negatives here; the ball is floating around aimlessly and the message is both negative (yellow), which speaks of jealousy and dissent and resentment, and positive (blue), which speaks of the glory of God or revelation knowledge.

I think Gideon will have to get clarity about this and he will have to make a decision about the message. At this moment there is no decision and there is no clarity. Is there something or someone that causes him not to reach the unsaved masses because of jealousy and dissent (yellow) which causes him not to make use of an opportunity to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ, or something similar (if it is not about spiritual issues, like in a business situation)?

I like your interpretation and your pointing out that this situation is dangerous (no anchor, the influences of the soul-man, and the influences of the worldly and fleshy systems).

These are all factors that Gideon needs to take into consideration before he decides whether he should make use of this opportunity to speak or to reach the people involved.