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Friend = man = symbolizes a messenger from God with a message from God.
Campground = ? Temporary house? = A campground may be a time of setting aside the sins of which so easily beset us
Toilet / passing solids = A person going to the toilet is cleansing himself (his inner being) of bitterness, hate, unforgiveness, and other bad and sinful emotional issues through confession and repentance
Town = city = a symbol of security and safety. It speaks of safety and it speaks of permanency.
Camping equipment = Holy Bible, Bible based Christian books, Christian praise & worship music?
Backpack = ? The burdens one carries?
Walking with a friend can perhaps mean a journey. The journey in this case is spiritual I believe. My “friend” is probably a messenger from God. God has been telling me through my dreams that there are areas of my life that need to be cleaned up, attitude issues etc. The using of the outhouse is an indication that issues are being successfully dealt with. There have been interuptions when the spirits of darkness have tried to stop me from successfully completing my job. When I stood my ground and exersized my authority that I have in the Lord, they decided to leave me alone. My old backpack was full of heavy burdens. It was like a spiritual swamp or Pond full of insects and bugs etc. I am now in a place of security and safety in the Lord and my new pack will be an easy to carry light burden. I think God is saying also that reading His word as well as other Christian books as well as the praise and worship music I listen to is great and keep on doing it. (Get new “camping equipment.”) When I went in the outhouse, I was the only one around. When I came out, there were roughly about 10 people waiting to also use the outhouse. Perhaps the Lord is telling me that He is preparing me to be used by Him to lead others in taking a “journey” similar to mine where they too can find an outhouse to lighten their burdens and grow in their walk with a him