A Path To Take

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    • #18053

      I was standing with people at a church service. Pastor was speaking and, to myself I was thinking maybe she will say my name ” ” and she did. I walked from left side to the middle and she gave me two sets of papers. One for me and she said “Do you have someone you work with?”. I said no. Then she told me to work on this as part of what I have been preparing to do. (studying and planning teaching). I was surprised and knew that she was led by God. A friend was with me. I was thinking maybe I would use this person to assist me.
      I put the paper sets down . The set in my left hand was for the person who would assist me. The set of papers in my right hand was for me to use. I was thinking the person is to help me to learn and study what I have been working on. I place them down left to right on the table in front of me. My friend was on my left side. I woke up.

    • #18054

      This is a situation that requires my attention. A member of the Godhead is speaking to me. (HEARING MY NAME)
      Showing me a path to take for my destiny (WONDERING). The level of bond or affection I have (FRIEND) with a friend who is a positive influence on me (LEFT SIDE OF BODY). We stand on the word of God (STANDING), virtue or honesty. There is unexpected (SURPRISE) uplifting (WONDERING) both naturally and spiritually when an agreement is made (TABLE). There is power, organizing and guiding, in my works or deeds (RIGHT HAND). There is a giving and receiving (LEFT HAND). A conference, provision, covenant, or agreement (TWO SETS OF PAPERS)).
      I am making progress living in the spirit comma walking by faith comma or striving (WALKING). There is confirmation of blessings, victory, or deliverance in a bad situation (MOVING LEFT TO RIGHT). Pastor (PASTOR)- God may be showing me that he trusts her. Or, A pastor who is over a congregation and in office of the fivefold ministry.

    • #18059
      Basie Martins

      Hi Sparkle, again, you did quite well with this interpretation. I can see, based on the dream, that God is or has arranged for all the help and resources that you need to be spiritually developed. He is with you and He anointed you and you will also bless and help to develop others (I assume it is your dream).

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