Dream of fire/ flooding

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    • #15591

      My 10 year old daughter had this dream

      she stated she knew she was at her dads for the weekend but she wasn’t at there house. She wasn’t sure where she was. All around her was red and black fire. She seen people burning. She also seen a man with a yellow hard hat run and jump in a well. Her step mom arrived and they were inside the car. It had tan fuzzy seats. Her step mom told her that her dad had died in the fires. She began to cry but her step mom wasn’t upset. Then they were all of a sudden riding down the road and her dad was with them. Then it states flooding everywhere. Then all of a sudden they were in this room. There was cages of snakes and tadpoles. Each of them having one that was larger than the rest. She stated the snakes and tadpoles were green and dark brown. The head of the snake was shaped like a python. The doors to the cages were open. She didn’t have any emotion . There was an adult female who she didn’t know that was trying to grab the big snake. While she was doing this she was telling my daughter to be careful the big one is dangerous.
      Golden key- nothing happened that day to spark this dream that we could figure out. However, we are having some issues with her step mom in real life. She has been trying to cause division between me and my daughter.

    • #15599

      Hi Rachel,
      I am afraid I have bad news for you. Your daughter is struggling with the situation that you have mentioned. It was an emotional restoration dream. In the dream, we can see why she is struggling. You should check the different meanings of the symbols in the dictionary but I have a few short explanations below:
      Red: Conflict, fighting, words creating or promoting conflict.
      Black: depression, fear, separation, evil activities, unbelief, etc.
      Fire: In a negative sense, fire symbolizes judgment. It symbolizes a person who judges people and who punishes people after he or she has judged them. It is usually not a fair judgment unless it is carried out by the official authorities.
      People burning: This symbolizes people who have been judged and punished.
      Man: a specific person, in this case.
      Yellow hat: This person is consumed by thoughts of hate and especially jealousy.
      Jump in well: These bad thoughts of jealousy and hate has caused this person to become trapped in a hole or pit or well. It is a place of bondage. Running and jumping speak of this person’s own actions. He or she brought it over himself or herself.
      Car: In this case, a journey or situation.
      Tan seats: Tan is a mixture of brown and yellow. So these people are together in a situation that was caused (accommodated) by jealousy (yellow) and sin (brown).
      Fuzzy: May symbolize always evolving always changing aspects and conditions causing making it extremely difficult for the people in this situation.
      Your dad died in the fire: By saying this, the stepmother wants your daughter to forget about her father and break ties with him. In dreams, death means separation (means stop the relationship). The fire means she wants your daughter to think it is because of judgment.
      Daughter crying/crying out: Speaks of emotional turmoil.
      Stepmother emotionless: Speaks of her being hard of heart. She does not care about the others involved and whether she is hurting them.
      The flooding everywhere: Speaks of the situation reaching a point where it is very overwhelming, especially for your daughter. She just cannot deal with it. See “Water – Flooding”
      The room: This represents the hearts and actions of the people involved (soul activities and influences on the soul).
      Cages doors open: Somebody allows and promotes evil activities in the situation, on purpose, probably the stepmother.
      Snakes: This speaks of deceit and temptation (Snakes in dreams and visions symbolize the workings of the devil or the work of evil. The devil and demons are basically utilizing two strategies; to deceive or to tempt)
      Head Python: A python, which is also known as a monster snake, is not poisonous but huge and strong. A python in dreams and visions symbolizes the workings of a strong evil spirit that operates by means of intellectual thoughts of deception by attempting to make people passive by overpowering their emotions and their will.
      People are being deceived by this evil spirit to believe that everything is hopeless and they soon feel totally overwhelmed and powerless. With this attack, the enemy attempts to put a lot of pressure on people similar to the way a python squeezes the life out of its prey.
      In this case, only the head is Python, the body of the snake, not yet. This speaks of the intellectual intent of this evil spirit. The plan is to get the situation to a place where he will be a python. This indicates that the situation might get worse.
      Tadpoles: A tadpole (the birth and development of a frog). This speaks of a new or recent development where somebody is making predictions (prophecies rather) of things to come. So this person is not only warning about bad things to come, she or he is falsely pretending that God told her or him that it is going to happen. This is sick.
      Green tadpoles: A green frog symbolizes intellectual deceit. It is a false prophecy that originated in the mind of a particular person. It is, therefore, a prophecy that is the result of intellectual thinking and not from God. It is a person’s own imagination and intellectual reasoning at work. With the other examples above (a brown frog and a black frog) the fleshly desire or the negative spirit of the particular person is the factor causing the false prophecy or the intellectual thoughts. With a green frog, the intellectual thoughts itself (reasoning) cause the false prophecies.
      Brown tadpoles: A brown frog symbolizes a false prophecy based on the fleshly desires and thoughts of a person’s own mind. It originated in the mind of a person, because of fleshly desires, who believe it came from God. People who are deceived this way will say and do things, as a result of such a false prophecy, which is often contrary to the will of God and contrary to Scripture. Many people divorced their spouses after such a deception.
      Female who helps: There people involved who are trying to help. Probably you.
      Warning big snake dangerous: This speaks of the big snake trying to deceive and tempt your daughter. This speaks of this evil spirit, probably by using people, attempting to get your daughter to believe bad things and/or to do bad things, probably pertaining to the situation.
      I do not think that I need to interpret this dream for you. Just by reading the meanings of the symbols above, you know and understand that your daughter is in a bad spot. She needs help and she needs to be protected. You should probably discuss this with her father and probably with the stepmother as well. You cannot allow this situation to carry on. If you don’t, this will have seriously bad repercussions.
      If you have any questions, please ask.

    • #15704

      My daughter was treating me badly due to this division. It came to a head before Christmas. I spoke with her dad and told him this needed to stop. He didn’t believe my daughter but told her if she did it again to let him know. He was suppose to talk to his wife about it. I’m not sure if he did. My daughter has begun to act like herself now for the last month.  The step is a Christian supposedly.my daughters dad is not., that I know of. They don’t get into the spiritual side of things so I’m not sure if they’ll put much weight into the dream. They’ll pass it off as a nightmare that we all have.

      she did have another dream where her step mom dropped her off a cliff. She felt scared at first but then ok. She landed and was fine. This was before the such troubling dream.

    • #15705

      Can you explain more On the false prophecy. Is this something the stepmom has put in place over her own life

    • #15709

      Hi Rachel, you should monitor this situation very closely. It has the potential to cause a lot of harm to your daughter. Please, do not take this lightly.

      False prophecy: At this stage, this does not appear to be serious but, the “tadpoles” do reveal that it is something new and this means it can get worse. I was hoping you can tell me more about it. It seems that someone is making statements or declarations about something being God’s will. This is all I can say about it.

    • #15778

      Thank you so much adri for taking the time to help me understand this!  I wish I could enlighten us more. I only know what’s been told to me by my daughter.  So far it just seems to be a personal attack on me. If God has been mentioned or Gods will I don’t know.  Thank you again.

    • #15794

      Adri , could the prophecy part of the dream  have anything to do with me. I did meet a lady back in October who prophesied over me.  I had never met her before.
      *** also I thought the snake was a python but it was a cobra… golden key … we talked about cobra ki( a show on Netflix) that evening before she had the dream. Not sure if that changes things any

    • #15801

      Hi Rachel, I do not think so. A cobra is usually a person who knows you and who wilfully misleads you, pretending he or she has your back. I think it is somebody misleading your daughter. The cobra in the movie probably did trigger the dream and I stick with my initial view that it was an emotional restoration dream.

    • #15805
      Basie Martins

      Good interpretation and good advice Adri. Well done! With emotional restoration dreams, the soul is put at ease by means of the emotional “release-mechanism” of such dreams. This is usually enough. However, if the problem is not solved, or if it is a serious problem, these “nightmares” will continue. This situation is very unfair in the life of a 10-year-old child and I agree; she needs to be protected.

    • #15822

      Thank you all again. I appreciate your time and guidance!

    • #17525


      Hi Rachel

      I read through your daughter’s dream and before I give the interpretation I would like to give you the meanings of the symbols in my opinion.

      Red and black fire RED symbolizes anger and aggression. In this case the fire symbolizes that the suppressed anger of your daughter is about to erupt like a volcano. BLACK symbolizes fear, sadness and unhappiness.

      People burning symbolises people being hurt and harmed emotionally. In this case you and your daughter.

      Man with yellow hard hat Whoever this man is, is full of deceit and jealousy and wants to protect himself.

      Well Deep pit to hide in.

      In a car with step mom The car indicates they’re heading for a destination.

      Tan, fuzzy seats TAN is light brown and symbolizes reliability FUZZY symbolizes a life of turmoil.

      Riding down a road indicates once again that they’re heading for a destination.

      Flooding Symbolizes in this case the end of a difficult period in the daughter’s life (EMOTIONAL RESTORATION DREAM)

      Room indicates being between four walls. Feeling trapped in a sense.

      Open cages snakes and tadpoles can freely leave the cages which are a place of entrapment.

      Snakes symbolize sly, cunning and and deceitful acts of evil. Works of the devil to deceive or tempt you.

      Tadpoles symbolize the problem with her stepmom is there and it is bad but has not yet become at its worst. The tadpoles are not yet frogs.

      Green and Dark Brown (almost black) Green symbolizes jealousy Dark brown symbolizes sin and evil.

      Python Squashes the life out of you. Very strong, powerful.

      Adult female in room To me symbolizes an angel


      The fact that your daughter found herself in a strange house and not that of her father’s when she went to spend the weekend, indicates that she’s not in a normal situation in her life. It’s an uncomfortable situation. The red and black fire all around speaks of the girl’s many suppressed feelings of anger that has been building up over a period of time and it’s about to erupt like a volcano. She is experiencing fear, sadness and unhappiness in this situation with her stepmom.

      We do not know exactly who the man is with the yellow hard hat but yellow symbolizes jealousy and deceit and his hard hat speaks of protection. I assume he’s also part of the problem with the stepmom but now that he’s caused trouble he’s decided to run and jump in a well to hide and protect himself. Your daughter in the car with stepmom indicates they’re heading to some destination.

      The tan and fuzzy seats speaks of deceit because the meanings of the tan and fuzzy seats contradict each other. Tan is light brown and symbolizes reliability. The stepmom is trying to make a good impression on the girl but the fuzzy seats indicate that the girl’s life is full of turmoil which the stepmom is causing with all the deceit. The stepmom lying to the girl about her father’s death shows us that she is a woman with a hard heart as she showed no emotions whilst breaking the sad news to her. She showed no compassion while she was crying She’s evil She was actually wilfully speaking words of death over the girl’s father by just stating he had died in the fire. She upset the girl unnecessarily showing how heartless she is. It is evident that the stepmom is jealous of the girl’s relationship with her father and wants to have the father all to herself. She doesn’t want the girl to be a part of the relationship therefore she lied about her father dying in the fire. Then we hear of them riding down a road and the father, too, was in the car. This indicates once again they are heading somewhere. The fact that the father is alive in the car with them is a good sign. Sign of hope that their relationship will continue. The flooding everywhere indicates that the girl is on the right path to resolving her problems and dealing with repressed issues with her stepmom. It could also indicate the end of a difficult period the girl is currently experiencing. Good sign. EMOTIONAL RESTORATION DREAM.


      1.   Then she finds herself in a room with snakes and tadpoles which were green and dark brown in colour. I think she felt trapped in the room especially because the cages were open and the creatures could freely move and come out the snakes can cause harm to innocent victims. The green colour of the snakes speaks of jealousy and the dark brown of sin and evil. The python head says to us there was one very large, huge snake which is the stepmom. A python squeezes the life out of you. The stepmom is putting the girl through hell. She is busy with evil acts against her and once again is completely emotionless. She has no conscience.

      I believe the adult female in the dream trying to grab the large snake was an angel protecting her from the stepmom (large snake) and warning her to be very careful of her. I think the dream stopped at a good place because the large snake could’ve wrapped itself around her completely and squashed the life out of her (broken her completely emotionally) but it didn’t. It says that there is change on it’s way concerning the relationship with her stepmom. She will be restored emotionally and that the stepmom will no longer try to cause division between you and your daughter.

    • #17693
      Basie Martins

      Hi Princess, you did really well with this dream. Just one recommendation: Check the meanings of the following symbols again: Well, pit, tan, flooding, room woman or female.

      By the way, congratulations! You have just passed your first course (DIC 1: Introduction To Interpretation), and by doing so, you made history. You are our first student and you passed the first course. Well done!

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