Interpretation: Dream about baby at sea and island

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    • #17733

      I was holding a baby and I stepped into the ocean but it was too turbulent and cold for the baby. I turned to go back. There were two women in the water I asked to help me.

      In the next moment, I arrived and stepped up onto the island with baby in hand. A young boy asked me if he could do a certain action but I told him he was too young.

      I then saw my 5-year-old grandson playing and enjoying himself. The mood on the island was lovely and a sense of new adventures.

    • #17734

      Hi Susan,

      Every person is born for a purpose. Christ was born to redeem mankind. All of us were born to follow in his footsteps. He delegated us to finish the job He started. We are all ministers and we are all in ministry. It is for this reason, that babies symbolize the beginning of or the birth of a new ministry. When it is unclear whether it is a boy or a girl, a baby speaks of the birth of a new ministry. A ministry is part of the church and the church is a living organism.

      In a natural sense, babies do sometimes symbolize the beginning of an endeavor or a close relationship or a common purpose or a common goal. It means together these people give birth to a new “thing.” People who start a business together or two people who decide to begin a relationship together can be symbolized by one of them dreaming of giving birth to a baby. The baby speaks of a new beginning of whatever these people embarked upon.
      The sea is cold and turbulent speaks of circumstances that are difficult and it influences this new ministry in a bad way because it is the baby who indicated that it is not happy with these circumstances.

      The women that you asked for help speaks of God assisting you in this new ministry by giving you people who will be with you and who will assist you on this new journey that you embarked upon.

      Probably because of this, everything completely changed because the next thing that happened was that this new endeavor or ministry is reaching a destination (result) where you will be happy and mature in Christ (in this area of ministry) and where you do not need assistance anymore. In fact, you will be able to help the young in Christ, like the boy who was willing to try something.

      The part of you enjoying your grandson playing happily on the island speaks of you seeing the fruit of your labor (your legacy or the results of your spiritual endeavors). The island also symbolizes a safe environment where you can develop your ministry and from where you can also launch even more adventurous things (ministries).

      The fact that you still have a baby in hand in this scene speaks either of you, after the initial difficulty, now in a happy and safe environment developing this new ministry, or, it speaks of yet another new ministry that is probably closely related to the first ministry.

      As you know, it all depends on the trigger that caused the dream. When we identify the trigger we can interpret a dream completely successfully. Without the trigger, we interpret a dream in a general sense, like the way I did with this dream.

    • #18006


      Hi Susan

      A baby symbolizes the birth of a new ministry

      An ocean symbolizes a multitude of people. In this case the people of your new ministry.

      Turbulent symbolizes the stormy circumstances that you are experiencing in this new ministry .The fact that you turned back because it was too cold for the baby may indicate that you wanted to maybe give up hope in this new ministry because the circumstances were too difficult and stormy.

      Women in dreams and visions speak of a church/congregation (in this case your new ministry).

      The number 2 (The 2 women) Symbolizes unity. So it indicates that the circumstances in your ministry will improve. You will get assistance and there will be unity in your ministry.

      The young boy indicates that you will be able to assist or minister to people that are still young in the Lord (immature Christians) too.

      The part where you saw your grandson playing and enjoying himself indicates that you saw and enjoyed the reward you are reaping for persevering through the turbulent times of your new ministry. This is a joyful time for you.

      The island symbolizes a safe environment.

      The fact that there was a sense of new adventures symbolizes possible, new ministries that could be started by you maybe at a later stage.

    • #18026
      Basie Martins

      Hi Princess, I think you did well with this interpretation. We know that the ocean symbolizes unsaved people (unsaved masses or nations of this world), so if you refer to these unsaved people to be influenced and impacted by Smidge’s ministry in the future, then it makes sense. If you referred to them as saved people in Smidge’s ministry, then it does not make sense, but, you did well.

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