Interpretation: Dream about playing rugby

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    • #18005


      I had a dream the other night. I was playing rugby (almost like American gridiron football). There was a person with me who was playing really well. He took a very clever gap between the players and then he passed the ball to me. I followed up with a similar gap but I could feel how this person helped me from behind by pushing me faster and faster with his right hand in my back. This helped me to score a trie.

    • #18381


      Hi Edith

      I would firstly like to give a few symbolic meanings to you before I interpret the dream.

      “Ball”- symbolizes an opportunity to speak or to teach or preach.

      “Games (Sport/Playing) – The games that people play are very important in dreams and visions. Often speaks of a challenge or a battle between two people or groups of people. It speaks of reasoning or debating or arguing over spiritual matters or even non-spiritual matters. Just as the purpose of the natural game is to win the game, so in dreams winning the argument is also important. We do want to teach people the Word of God. It is all about convincing other people or another person of a viewpoint. The problem is doing so with the wrong method.

      Balls and other sports equipment play an important role in dreams. These dreams reveal the different methods or attitudes of dealing with people in terms of Bible teachings and doctrines, like RUGBY. Sometimes God wants us to be aggressive like in a RUGBY MATCH.

      Playing games reveal the different methods people utilize or the different attitudes that people display when they are getting involved in an argument or debate or when reasoning about spiritual matters and also non-spiritual matters. It tells us what attitudes people have or should have regarding this aspect of our faith-walk in Christ.


      In my opinion this dream speaks of you being at some church gathering or meeting where a pastor or church leader was busy teaching Bible teachings or doctrines and doing it exceptionally well. “Taking a clever gap “suggests he knows how to deal with people, even difficult people. This might even have been a difficult group of people. “Passing the ball to you” speaks of him then giving you an opportunity to also preach and teach. This is what the “ball” symbolizes. God helped you and also gave you a good strategy to teach or preach and speak to people. This man who might’ve been a pastor or church leader helped you in the spirit by “’pushing you from behind” so that you could get boldness and do what God called you to do, and you did it and was successful. “You scored a try.”

      I think this is the desire of your heart to be able to go and teach and maybe preach doctrines and maybe you don’t yet have the boldness to do so but because of this passion in your heart you probably had this dream. It is actually a very encouraging dream. It shows you that you have someone encouraging you and helping you on to help you reach your full potential and reach your destiny.

    • #18382
      Basie Martins

      Hi Princess, this was an excellent interpretation. I think you nailed it. There is the possibility that the “man” helping could be Jesus Christ, who is actively involved in the equipping processes and the divine activities, along with the Holy Spirit (of course the Holy Spirit was not mentioned in the dream but we know that He teaches us), to equip this particular person for the teaching ministry. Anyway, well done!

    • #19177

      Hi princess, once again you were spot-on. I really became aware lately that the Holy Spirit is helping me to understand his word. He also gave me an anointing to teach people effectively. I always know how to debate people in a meek and peaceful spirit and to convince them of the truth. Sometimes I do come over quite strong though as the “rugby” symbolized.

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