Substitution/Sizes In Dreams And Visions

Please take note, in order to learn the Biblical language of symbols, you need to read this information: How to interpret dreams and visions symbols correctly

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Colors in dreams and visions

Numbers in dreams and visions

Shapes in dreams and visions

Directions, movement and positions in dreams and visions

Substitution in dreams and visions

(The meanings or the interpretation of most symbols in this dictionary are derived from the Bible)

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I am convinced that we sometimes have dreams in which we are “experiencing” the dream or rather “receiving the message” of the dream on behalf of another person, with the sole purpose to show us what these people are going through or experiencing in their lives. We are, in such cases, receiving the answer or the knowledge pertaining to such a person on his behalf, although the dream or the message is not for him but actually for us. In the dream, we, although we are aware of our real identity, experience the dream on behalf of a person we know.

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When I talk about a person or when I ask some questions about a person, I often receive answers from God about that person that same night. When I wake up the next morning I sometimes feel a bit confused about the meanings of this type of dream until I realize that the dream was actually about the person I talked about or asked questions about the day before.

It is not about me, although, in the dream, I experienced it as if it is about me or as if it is a message for me. Now, remember that this is not a message for that person. It is, in fact, an answer, from God to you, regarding the questions you asked about that person. In order for you to completely understand what these persons are going through. God causes you to experience in the dream, what they are really going through. You experience the dream as circumstances in your own life when it is in fact all about the person you discussed the day before or asked questions about the day before.

It can be a bit confusing and therefore we need to pray about this type of dream. If it does not make sense, or, if you are not sure about a specific dream, just check if it is perhaps about another person. Dreams are not always about us or our personal situations and experiences. God sometimes informs us about situations in other peoples lives, mainly so that we can pray for such people, or for some other reasons in order for us to assist those people.

Pray that God reveals the purpose of all dreams to you so that you can act upon them correctly.


Sometimes a symbol in a dream or vision seems to be excessively big or small. Excessively big sometimes indicates that the specific aspect has been a problem or an influence for a long time or a very big problem.

An excessively small symbol indicates that the problem or influence only started recently or that the problem is not that serious or significant.

For instance, a huge frog indicates the attitudes, actions or influences of a person with a spirit of false prophecy which started a long time ago, or that the person is involved with a serious or big problem with serious consequences in this regard. A small frog speaks of a person who recently got involved with false prophecies or that this particular problem is not serious but still a concern.

This was an excerpt of only about 50% of symbols that is available in the paid version of the Dreams and visions symbols dictionary.

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Cat Involved In Accident Just After Dream

By purchasing the Dreams Dictionary, you gain the following:

  • You will have access to about twice as many dreams and visions symbols as online visitors (almost 1000 pages of symbols).
  • You have access to the Dreams and Visions Interpretation Course Manual which is exclusively available to dictionary owners as a free add-on. This manual puts the theoretical knowledge (dictionary) into practice (manual).
  • You have access to real-life dreams and visions which explain symbols more comprehensively.
  • If you registered for the free Dreams Interpretation Course, you have all the study material that you need. To effectively complete the Dreams Interpretation Course, you really do need the paid version of the dictionary and you do need the Dreams Interpretation Course Manual. Without these resources, you will be limited in your efforts to master the Biblical language of symbols.
  • By purchasing the dictionary, you support my ministry, which won’t be possible if you don’t. The selling of books is my only source of income and any writer will confirm that it is not easy to make a living solely from the sales of books.
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You can purchase the Dreams Symbols Dictionary here:

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2 thoughts on “Substitution/Sizes In Dreams And Visions”

  1. My husband passed away on September this year, my sister in-law keeps seeing him in the same dream, but he does not look at her….he tends to keep walking away. What does this symbolize..

    • Hi Tracy,
      Please accept my condolences. May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief.
      The dreams you mentioned are “emotional restoration” dreams. Please read the “Dreams Symbols Dictionary” for more information about this aspect of dreams ( It is all about our God-given “built in” ability to deal with emotional issues. I do not think that these dreams have any particular meaning apart from this. It is your sister’s way of dealing with the loss of her brother.
      Blessings in Christ
      ASR Martins

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