This week’s find: Tried by Fire: The Story of Christianity’s First Thousand Years by William J. Bennett
About the book: Full of larger-than-life characters, stunning acts of bravery, and heart-rending sacrifice, Tried by Fire narrates the rise and expansion of Christianity from an obscure regional sect to the established faith of the world’s greatest empire with influence extending from India to Ireland, Scandinavia to Ethiopia, and all points in between. William J. Bennett explores the riveting lives of saints and sinners, paupers and kings, merchants and monks who together—and against all odds—changed the world forever. To tell their story, Bennett follows them through the controversies and trials of their time. Challenged by official persecution, heresy, and schism, they held steadfast to the truth of Christ. Strengthened by poets, preachers, and theologians, they advanced in devotion and love. In this moving and accessible narrative, Tried by Fire speaks across centuries to offer insight into the people and events that shaped the faith that continues to shape our lives today.
From Africa to the Middle East to Asia and around the globe, Christians today are more persecuted than ever before.
The Third Century writer Tertullian said, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” That’s as true today as it was in early years of Christianity.
Open Doors USA says nearly 4,000 Christians are killed for their faith every year. Thousands more suffer violence in the form of beatings, abductions, rapes, and false arrests.
But whenever persecution increases, the Church grows – and even flourishes. Author William J. Bennett calls that one of the “awe-inspiring paradoxes of Christianity.”
He writes about the earliest years of Church persecution, perseverance, and expansion in a detailed historical narrative called Tried by Fire: The Story of Christianity’s First Thousand Years.
– CBN News
About the author: Dr. William J. Bennett is one of America’s most influential and respected voices on cultural, political, and educational issues. Host of the top-ten nationally syndicated radio show, “Bill Bennett’s Morning in America,” he is also the Distinguished Fellow of the American Strategy Group. He is the author and editor of more than twenty-five books, and lives near Washington, DC.
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