Welcome aboard!
Thank you for registering for this amazing course. This online course is a groundbreaking tool which changed the spiritual landscape in the body of Christ tremendously in the area of dreams and visions interpretation as well as understanding Biblical prophecy in general. It lays a firm foundation and it clarifies the fundamental rules and principles that govern this Biblical language. Apart from access to these resources, you will be updated on new course material, tutorials, new symbols analysis reports, and new developments.
Course Overview
As you may have realized already, the on-line “Dreams and Visions Interpretation Course” is a tool which will help you to interpret dreams and visions correctly. By following these guidelines the course equips people with the necessary knowledge and skills required to interpret dreams and visions successfully.
You need to focus on the following to get you started:
Read the different tutorials in sequence to get familiar with the fundamentals that govern dreams and visions symbols interpretation. The tutorials cover all the necessary theoretical knowledge that you need.
After you have covered all the theoretical material as explained above, you need to start implementing what you have learned. You can do that effectively by working through the practical aids that we have provided: The Dreams and Visions Interpretation Course Manual and the Dreams Analysis Reports. The analysis reports are available free of charge at the links provided on the
Dreams Interpretation Course Study Guide page.
Course Curriculum
Lesson 1: The Purpose Of Dreams And Visions?
Lesson 2: How Common are Dreams and Visions?
Lesson 3: The Bible Is the First Dream Symbols Dictionary
Lesson 4: Important Details in Dreams and Visions
Lesson 5: The Danger of Utilizing Pagan Symbols Dictionaries
Lesson 6: Dream Dictionaries Created By Psychologists
Lesson 7: The Danger Of Dreams And Visions
Lesson 8: Can Satan Deceive Us Through Dreams And Visions?
Lesson 9: Did the Biblical Daniel Analyze Dream Symbols?
Lesson 10: Numbers In Dreams and Visions
Lesson 11: Colors in Dreams and Visions
Lesson 12: Directions and Movement in Dreams and visions
Lesson 13: Opposites in Dreams and Visions
Lesson 14: The Meanings of Animals in Dreams and Visions
Lesson 15: Natural or Spiritual Dream?
Lesson 16: Learning the Language of Symbols
Lesson 17: The Biblical language of Symbols and the Gifts
Lesson 18: Biblical Language of Symbols Not Part of Gifts
Lesson 19: Focus On the Primary Symbols
Lesson 20: A Short Dream Quite a Lengthy Experience!
Lesson 21: Is a Dream About the Past or the Future?