Good News!
Peace of mind agreement!
eBooks written by ASR Martins are the cheapest on his own website. You will not find it cheaper at any other online bookstore. He also offers a refund, for your peace of mind, in case you are not satisfied with the quality of the book that you purchased. This refund is valid for 7 days only after the date of purchase. Your eBook will be available for downloads for an unlimited period of time in the format on your receipt.
New book!
(To be released in August 2017)
This book was written because of the pure need to provide a “Free and an authentic Christian dreams and visions symbols dictionary” to God’s people. It was also written to make it available to all Christians, free of charge, right across the world. There is not a trustworthy and free dreams and visions symbols dictionary available at the moment. As an alternative Christians make use of all sorts of dreams and visions dictionaries on the internet. These dictionaries are in fact seriously defiled with many false meanings ascribed to or allocated to different symbols. It is just not worth making use of these dictionaries. Most of them are Muslim dictionaries or dictionaries of pagan religions. Some of them are psychological or demonic based dictionaries and just as dangerous to God’s people. Quite a lot of them are plainly rooted in the occult and demon possessed mediums and fortune tellers seized the existence of dreams, visions and the interpretation of dreams and visions to defile this wonderful gift from God. These dictionaries were primarily created to deceive people. These dictionaries are in fact worthless, dangerous and cannot be utilized at all. This book will fulfill that need.
New book!
(Octoberber 2015)
This book proves that “Spiritual warfare” is a false doctrine. The necessary Scriptures that support this statement are discussed in detail. People are actually oppressed just because they believe in this doctrine. This book will challenge your beliefs on this subject and it will set you free.
No need to register: Choose your desired eBook, click on the link below and you will be diverted directly to our Book Store. Numerous methods of payment to choose from are available.
New book!
(September 2015)
During the morning hours of Tuesday, June 2, 2015, the Lord Jesus Christ instructed me to write this report. He called it a “report” because He wanted me to write it as a “report of imminent events” to those who wish to understand the prophetic times we live in. The aim of this report is to bring clarity and to counter confusion in the lives of many Christians regarding the end-times, especially regarding the prophetic time we live in at this moment. The Lord’s aim with this report is clear: Clarity will equip and enable God’s children to follow His vision for and in this time period we are living in now. It will enable them to report for duty. It will enable them to become mighty instruments in God’s hand. End-time ministry does not only mean that God is at work. It also means that we have some part to play in order to enable God to carry out His plans. This report will enable God’s children to stand up and be counted”.
No need to register: Choose your desired eBook, click on the link below and you will be diverted directly to our Book Store. Numerous methods of payment to choose from are available.
Radio interview!
(February 2015)
The Radio Interview with Raymond Dye of GrootFM in Pretoria was well received by listeners. The topic of the interview was “Generational Curses“
Raymond is an excellent and Spirit-filled presenter, and he had a great impact resulting in a very positive response from the public. This topic is controversial as you know, but, in spite of some resistance to the teachings more and more people are seeing the light in this regard. The fact that God promised to repeal the law of generational curses in the days of Jeremiah and the fact that He confirmed that He did repeal this law in the days of Ezekiel, convinced people that this doctrine is not valid after this announcement from God, through His prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
Radio interview!
(August 2013)
The Radio Interview with Raymond Dye of GrootFM in Pretoria was well received by listeners. The topic of the interview was “House Churches“
Although the existence of house churches is sometimes unsettling for Christians involved in the institutional church, many have accepted the fact that the house church movement is just another group of people serving, following and worshipping Christ. Through the years many denominations had to accept other denominations and the same thing is happening with house churches.
This was indeed a very interesting discussion, and we are thankful for the response from the public.
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