Interpretation: Dream about fish tank with small fishes

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    • #19482

      Hi everybody, I had this dream recently: I dreamt that I saw a fish tank with about 17 little fishes. In the dream the fishes were hungry and they yearned for food. I realized that I probably will have to give them food. In the dream, I felt that I should also put the small fish tank into a swimming pool.

    • #19494

      Good Afternoon Adri,

      Depending on the trigger of the dream I have interpreted as I felt led to; it feels like an “instruction” dream about a particular group of people.

      Primary Element: Dreamer (you)

      Secondary Elements:
      Fish tank: small group of people, e.g. home cell group
      Give fishes food: preach God’s word, fueling, teaching
      Put fish tank in swimming pool: baptizing the people (group) in the Holy Spirit, Word of God set them free, receiving the gifts of the Spirit

      Primary Element: Fishes (young-immature believers)

      Secondary Element:
      17: 7 – rebellion against God’s will
      10 – not complete
      Small: young/immature believers
      Hungry: searching for spiritual food

      You see a small group of immature/young believers who are not yet made complete but still rebel against God; they are hungry for spiritual food and so you teach, preach and fuel them through the Word of God which sets them free as they are baptized and receive the Spirit of God.

      If this relates to a particular situation now the best would be to continue standing firm in God’s Word and be led by the Spirit; if not then pray into the situation so that when it arises you’ll know and be led to do exactly what you should do.

    • #19520

      Hi Unge, I think you are spot-on. I recently got involved with a house church and I was a bit concerned about the spiritual condition of the members. They are very young in Christ and I felt the need to give them some spiritual input. I now know what to do. Blessings, and thanks, you have been a great help.

    • #19522

      Hi Adri, I’m so glad to hear and I am glad that I was able to help you. Take care and God bless!

    • #19578
      Basie Martins

      Hi Unge, once again a good interpretation. Well done!

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