Interpretation dream about stickers

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    • #15209

      Can anybody interpret this dream for a friend of mine? She was with a group of people, like a Cast of Actors.
      (In real life, she is an Actress):

      We were in a large bus or all seated somewhere.
      Then my daughter appeared and gave me a beautiful fancy blue-leather purse with
      matching gloves inside.   It was VERY glamorous, richie-rich, fancy.
      My daughter said:  “Here, so you can take it with you when you go.” Implying that I was going to some high society event or salon spa and so I would fit in.

      I stood up and realized I had colorful stickers ALL over my body.
      It was funny, like a joke.   And I was laughing.
      I laughed and thought,    “How did this happen?”

      Standing, I was looking at my chair thinking someone put the stickers on my chair and when I sat on the chair, they stuck to me.

      So I started taking them off, but then suddenly stopped because I realized the stickers were of The Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit.  So I put them back on my body.
      Marilyn Monroe popped her head out of a curtain up front like she was getting dressed or into wardrobe.

      They were passing around a birthday card to be signed.  I was glad to be a part of this group and didn’t know who’s birthday it was.

      Great feeling dream!  I woke up feeling blessed.

    • #15210

      This dream appears to be about your work. As an actress, you are involved with a group of people (in this case, actors and everybody else involved in the movie business. A bus symbolizes the global or huge group of people in the same work situation). A blue leather purse and all the fancy rich stuff symbolizes spiritual riches been given to you by God through whoever your daughter represents (she can of course also symbolize expansion of something God started in your life earlier or in the past). This means by expanding your ministry you will receive special equipment. It will specifically be revelations from God (blue). This means you have been or will be equipped with divine and valuable spiritual riches which you will use to bless people with and to change their lives (ministry). The gloves symbolize that you will be very careful in protecting yourself and your faith against bad or immoral influences (see gloves). It is part of the spiritual blessings (riches) that you possess and that will have an impact on other people in the movie industry.

      You received a gift from God here. The blessing is, you go to their (fancy social event represents success and acceptance in the movie industry) and you will fit in with the divine blessings and spiritual equipment that I gave you and you and it will be accepted by the people. This means God is giving you divine favor in the eyes of people in the movie industry.

      The stickers all over your body represent the fact that you will be an ambassador for Christ with your whole body which means you will not hold anything back. You will also flow in the workings and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You are going to give your heart, soul, and body for him so that you can “display” him and glorify him. In dreams and visions, laughing symbolizes either joy or mocking. In your case, it might be a mixture of both, like Sarah who laughed when God said that she will have Isaac at that late period in her life (being so old). You put back the stickers symbolizes you accepting the fact (it is no joke), you are indeed an ambassador of Christ in your work and in your career.

      You were glad that you are in that group symbolizes you being happy and blessed in your work situation and you being happy with what God is using you for. The birthday is probably symbolizing the celebration of the birth of your ministry (your calling). Marilyn Monroe represents the unsaved and unprepared people within the movie business. See “Clothing” for the meaning of this. She getting dressed symbolizing her being prepared (the people she represents) for life and possibly for ministry, even if just in personal life or personal capacity (not necessarily a full-time ministry). This symbolizes you having a fundamental impact on people within the movie industry.

      You feeling good and blessed speaks of you accepting this calling and the fact that this calling is going to make you very happy. It also symbolizes the approval and blessing of God and the Holy Spirit.

    • #15211

      Wow!  This is what my friend said about the interpretation:

      I am going to share with you what possibly triggered the Stickers dream, but first I need to say that you are definitely gifted in dream interpretation.  I say this because back in April 28, 2018, Apostle Fred Berry prophesied over me that I would see: “divine favor and connection from doors opening in my work, but it’s not just work, it’s ministry.  You think that it’s work, but it’s ministry.  People will begin to turn to you and ask ‘What does the Lord have to say?'”

      I also want you to know that when you mentioned Sarah laughing at having Isaac in her late age, it became even more PERSONAL to me.
      You see, I have also gone to God and told Him:
      “God if you can give Sarah a baby in her 90’s, then you can give me a successful Actress career in my older age too. Please help me get work.”

      (Because Hollywood tends to discard Actresses past the age of 40.  I am over 40.)

      Here is what may have triggered part of my dream:
      I watched a video of a woman who said she had a spirit-guide that was Marilyn Monroe, but after a tragedy, this woman later turned her life over to Jesus Christ.  So I believe that your first interpretation was spot on!

      It was so personal to me, with the echo-ing of Apostle Berry’s propeshy, and 2 other similar prophesies and with your comment of Sarah and Isaac, that it’s hard to believe there would be a 2nd dream interpretation that would be more accurate, even though I shared what triggered a small element of the dream, being Marilyn Monroe. One last note, in the dream, when I saw Marilyn Monroe pop her head out, I knew she was “of this world” and not from God.   Just like you said in your dream, she represents the unsaved.

    • #15212

      Praise the Lord! God is good!

    • #15231
      Basie Martins

      Well done Stephany! Marilyn Monroe is a white woman and in dreams and visions, white women usually symbolize good, pure and holy congregations or a church or a good Godly country or nation. You did not fail to recognize that in this dream, the particular things that Marilyn Monroe represents should be considered and not the meaning of a white woman.

      In general, your interpretation was spot on.

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