Two Building Fires

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    • #23152



      I was at a town firehall/fire station when a call came in for a fire. A black man was the head of the firemen that day and he said he was going to wait until he knew whether it was a false alarm before they took off. I looked outside and said there it is. “Smoke is rising from over there” and I pointed. Then I said there is another one over there in a bit different direction for a total of two separate fires. So he and the man next to him went into action. I was driving in my vehicle headed to the fire when I heard and seen them coming in the firetruck behind me. I pulled over and quickly locked the car and ran for the fire truck that I could hear slowing down. But they sped up again when the traffic ahead began moving and they left me behind. I again returned to my car hoping I could find the fire by keeping track of the smoke.

    • #23153


      Firehall= ? A Holy Spirit led Church or congregation?

      Fire = symbolizes the purification and the zeal of the Holy Spirit. It also symbolizes the presence and the power of God. It speaks of purifying and testing.

      Black Man = symbolizes a messenger (from the enemy or a messenger with his own opinion) with a false message of unbelief or evil or lies.

      Smoke = Smoke symbolizes the prayers of the righteous like the smoke that goes up from the Old Testament altars of God.
      In a negative sense, smoke symbolizes religious activities of unrighteousness. It speaks of ungodly ways or activities that is of f ending to God.

      Number two = (two fires and two firemen) symbolizes agreement and union, witness, testimony.

      Car = symbolizes a person’s personal ministry or motivation (life) or natural job or business situation


      In my spiritual journey I will be led to an on fire church or congregation. There may be someone who may try to lead me astray or steer me in the wrong direction by false messages or lies against the church. I will need to be careful to offer up the incense of prayer about it in order to be led in the right direction. I should not do this on my own but need to be in agreement with the Lord

    • #23197
      Basie Martins

      Hi Woodsman,

      Fire may also speak of the judgment of men, sometimes bad men and it does not mean that the judgment is justified. Fire also speaks of hatred and violent acts and attitudes among people. Fire also speaks of war.

      The symbols, “Firestation” and “Firetruck” were added to the updated Dream Symbols Dictionary.

      When firefighters and fire extinguishers and firetrucks are present in dreams, it speaks of people who are helping and protecting people through counseling and advice and even physical protection.

      I do not know what the trigger was that caused this dream but my opinion is that this dream is about helping and protecting two people or two families who are causing hurt and damage to each other. Some of the people in your life or in the situation are probably not honest about the role they play. It is as if they do not care for the people or maybe they are biased or maybe something caused them not to act as they should to stop or solve the situation.

    • #23223

      Thank you very much for the help and clarification on this dream as well as all of the others.

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