Important Messages To Students

Reload this page every time you have opened it in your browser to make sure that the page is updated

We will be posting important messages on this page on a regular basis. Click on this link as often as possible. Remember to reload the page in your browser so that it can be populated with the latest messages and then check for new messages at the bottom of this page.

A. View Progress

The Course cover page includes the following information: A short introduction, general arrangements, and information, a list with the titles of the different lessons, a “status” column which indicates which lessons are completed with a green tick-mark. Click on this link to view an example of a course cover page: DIC 1: Introduction To Symbolism and Dream Interpretation

B. Course Procedure

Remember that you must click, “Mark completed” at the bottom of the Lessons pages when you have completed it. This informs the system that you are done with that lesson. It is only when you click on the “Mark completed” button that the system records and updates your progress.

Take note that each course usually has three quizzes, that you must complete, which are situated on a page (lesson) about three quarters into the course and on the last lesson page.

C. Hackers and Spammers

Unfortunately, hackers and spammers sometimes become very active on the same IP addresses that we use. Yes, unfortunately, we all do share the same IP addresses with these guys. When their activities become dangerous, the server security firewall will kick everybody out of the system (forced log out) or at least those students who share the relevant IP addresses with these hackers and Spammers, to prevent these guys from accessing and destroying the website.

When this happens, you will have to log in again before you will be able to access your course materials again. This is caused by browser caching because of your accessing pages whilst not being logged in. This happened whilst you were under the impression that you are still logged in.

Usually, when we follow the following steps, the issue will be resolved. For your convenience, the links will open the pages in a new tab:

See also
Audio and Written Versions: Victorious Living In Christ Session 5

Step 1: Log into your account at this link: Login Page

Step 2: Click on the Courses page and then on the relevant course cover page like the following DIC 2: Principles and Rules That Govern the Language of Symbols

Step 3: On this page, (the cover page), go down to the list of lessons and click on the lesson that you want to access.

Step 4: If this does not load your content but still shows the content for a visitor or logged-out user, reload the page in your browser. Usually, by reloading the page the system suddenly recognized you and it will load a page with your updated course data. If this does not resolve the matter, follow the procedure below:

In some cases, you will have to clear the history in your browser to resolve the caching issue. Click on this link for more information on how to clear your browser history: Clear Browser History

D. How to find symbols?

If you are looking for a specific symbol, proceed with the following procedure:

First, you check in the index of the paid version of the dictionary if the symbol is there. By the way, make use of the Kindle or ePub formats on your smartphone or the Pdf version on your PC to access symbols quickly by clicking on the specific symbol link in the index. There is no need to scroll through hundreds of pages.

If you do not find the symbol in the dictionary, check the one-word symbol in the search (find) function of the document (dictionary). Sometimes specific symbols are mentioned and explained in a paragraph and therefore not indexed.

If no results, ask for the meanings of the symbol on the Dream Interpretation Community Forum.

Take note that the dream dictionary is updated once a year. When more symbols are added and the new update is released, everybody is notified so that they can download the latest (new) version of the dictionary.

E. Assignments

Take note that the course evaluation is primarily done through the use of Quizzes. The only other assignments are the prescribed dreams and visions interpretation exercises on the Dreams Interpretation Community Forum. It is important to understand that students are not allowed to interpret old dreams and visions that are already interpreted on the Community Forum. See assignments requirements below:

Dream Interpretation Course – Certificate

DIC 1: Introduction To Dream Interpretation: 2 Interpretations

DIC 2: Principles Governing the Language of Symbols: 5 Interpretations

See also
Discipleship - Session 4

DIC 3: Symbolism: Introduction To Practical Application: 10 Interpretations

DIC 4: Symbolism: Practical Application in Context: 20 Interpretations

Total for the Dream Interpretation Course Certificate: 37

Bachelors Degree:

BD 1: Dreams and Visions and the Professional Counselor: 25 Interpretations (Emotional Restoration Dreams)

BD 2: Dreams and Visions and the Prophet: 25 Interpretations (Prophetic Dreams and Visions)

Total for the Dream Interpretation Course Bachelors Degree: 50

Total for the whole Course: 87

E. Should you only use the “ASR Martins Authentic Dream Symbols Dictionary”? Is it alright to use an additional Bible-based dream symbols dictionary?

In the last session of the dictionary course (DIC 4), we cover the identification of the foundation (underlying theme) and the triggers in much more detail. In this session, we discover that if the true meanings of symbols are misunderstood or incorrect, it leads to the identification of a wrong underlying theme and wrong triggers which result in the dream or vision being interpreted incorrectly.

We try to update the dictionary once a year with new symbols. New symbols need to be truly tested over and over again before we add them to the dictionary. This obviously delays our progress but it ensures that we maintain an authentic Bible-based symbols dictionary at all times. Many people out there don’t care about this. They add as many symbols to their dictionaries as they can and they allow a lot of errors to slip in. This is reckless and it leads to a lot of misunderstandings and incorrect interpretations.

My advice is to be very careful when you use dream symbols dictionaries.

Blessings in Christ

Basie Martins (Course Administrators)

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! access our Dream Symbols Interpretation Course for FREE and utilize our Dream Interpretation Community Forum to get your dreams interpreted

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