Audio and Written Versions: Spiritual Warfare Session 8

Biblical Spiritual Warfare Session 8

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Session 7

My name is Basie Martins. I trust that you are all well and I want to thank you again for listening to this series. For you who do not know, this series is about spiritual warfare. In the previous session, we discussed the correct and the most effective way to deliver demon oppressed or demon-possessed people or people who are facing or experiencing demonic influences and challenges in their lives. The truth is that most Christians and even most church leaders are being oppressed by satan in some way daily. People and church leaders will not admit this but it is true. People who have any sicknesses in their bodies, people going through emotional turmoil of any kind, people struggling with any challenges like substance abuse or anything of the sort and people who doubt the will of God in specific situations, are all being oppressed by satan. Period. We are not supposed to be sick and we are supposed to reign over all challenges in life.

In this session, we are discussing the elements and the foundation of real spiritual warfare.

This session is very important as it touches on the very core principles of true Biblical spiritual warfare. It is all about the ultimate and the most effective strategy possible when it comes to the true and Biblical spiritual warfare that God gave us. It is about the real weapons of spiritual warfare!

See also
Discipleship - Session 4

To start off, we need to familiarize ourselves with the spiritual weapons of warfare that God gave us. We need to take each weapon, hold it on our hands and familiarize us with what it is and what it can do. We need to do this because people misunderstand this part completely. People see a Roman soldier, fully armed and running toward a bunch of demons and hitting the living daylights out of them. To such people, the enemy is defeated when you see dead and wounded demons lying around, and the Christian warrior the last man standing.

Although this picture pleases all of us it really is not what God had in mind. He did not want us to go to war at all. And when you read Ephesians 6, which is all about our weapons of warfare, and if you really understand it, you will see what God had in mind for us. You will see that the “warfare” that Paul used was really a metaphor and not really warfare as we understand it.

This is the list of weapons that Paul gave us in Ephesians 6: Truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation and the word of God.

The first five are all about protecting us and is not offensive at all. It is about the hedge of protection that God has put in place around all his children to protect them against the lies and the temptations of the enemy. What do people do who have a very strong impenetrable shield around them? They ignore the enemy and they carry on with the day’s tasks, events, and pleasures. They enjoy life and they experience perpetual peace and joy.

The last weapon of warfare is all about calling things into existence. It is the Rhema word of God in action and it is creative. It ignores the negative and it creates the positive. It does not destroy the negative, it creates the positive. This means that in the beginning, God ignored the chaos and He called order into existence. He ignored the darkness and said, let there be light.

This means that, because the enemy cannot harm them, because the enemy cannot penetrate that divine hedge of protection around them, the people inside this fortress have a tremendous advantage but, that does not mean that they do not have any problems or troubles. You see, before they became children and sons of the most high God before they became citizens of the kingdom of God, they brought all sorts of troubles and problems over themselves. and now they need to deal with those things. They need faith and obedience and patience to overcome those things. Those things are challenging. It ranges from sicknesses and diseases, mental problems, wrong relationships, wrong friends, poverty, bondage and so on. Some of them are in jail because of crimes that they committed before they became born again followers of Christ. All those negative things did not go away but God gave them all the ways and the means to get rid of all of those things in their lives. He gave us divine protection, divine healing, divine provision, and divine maintenance.

See also
Audio and Written Versions: Victorious Living In Christ Session 9

So we are where He was in the beginning. Just like He, we need to ignore the chaos and the darkness and use the weapons that He gave us to create order and light in our lives. To do that we need faith, obedience, and patience. With him, everything came instantly. With us, we need to be patient and we need to stay obedient and faithful. On top of that, we need to deal with this enemy behind the hedge. You see this enemy knows that he cannot penetrate the hedge and he knows that he cannot get to us but he knows that he can shout all sorts of suggestions and lies over the hedge. He knows that those words influence us and he knows that if he persists he can cause problems for those who allow those words of lies and deceptions and temptations into their hearts. 

It is for this reason that we need to excel in obtaining these weapons and utilizing these weapons in our daily lives. Paul gave us a very distinct instruction regarding these weapons. He said in Ephesians 6:13 that we must “take unto” us these weapons. If we have protected ourselves with these weapons we will be able to withstand the strategies and the attacks of the devil and all evil. Remember, these weapons are not the hedge. The hedge belongs to God. He has put it in place and nobody can remove it, not the devil and not even us.

So the hedge is to keep the devil out from physically getting to us and the armor of Ephesians 6 is to protect us against the words, the lies, and the deception and the temptations of the enemy. So the hedge proves that Jesus Christ really did enter the house of the strong man, He really did bind the strongman, He really did spoil his goods and his house. He really did disarm him. He really did defeat him.

We read about it in Job 1:10

Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. 

This is the devil complaining to God that there is just no way that he can harm Job at all because of the “hedge” of protection around him and his house, his family and everything that he owns! This is the life of every person who follows Jesus Christ.

See also
How Does Satan Oppress People?

The armor is to protect us against the influence of the enemy. He cannot fight us anymore because we are in Christ and Christ defeated him. We reign with Christ in him on his throne. We reign from a position of rest if we do not allow the enemy to influence us in a negative way. If we allow the enemy to cause us to doubt in God and his word, if we allow the enemy to cause us to sin, we cannot reign over life and in our personal kingdom or our areas of influence or the circumstances in our lives. That is when sicknesses, diseases, and calamities remain and even escalate.

I want to repeat our armor: Truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation and the word of God.

How do we “take unto” us the truth? How do we attain righteousness? How do we get ourselves prepared to preach the gospel of peace? How do we attain faith? How do we attain salvation? How do we attain the word of God?

What are the practical implications of these aspects or these principles? What do we see in the lives of people who are in fact busy attaining and utilizing these weapons of warfare?

We see them studying the word of God. We see them living in righteousness by pursuing holiness. We see them constantly renewing their minds with the word of God. We see them actively preaching the gospel of peace. We see them actively getting themselves into positions and situations where they use Godly faith to get supernatural breakthroughs. We see them actively pursuing deliverance in all areas of their lives when it comes to attitudes and the way they live. We see them learning how to apply the written word of God in their lives and in their circumstances. When you meet somebody that I just described to you, you have met a true warrior! You have met somebody who “took unto” himself the whole armor of God. You have met somebody who really lacks nothing!

What will be evident in such a person’s life? You will see a lot of praying in his life. You will see a lot of praising and worshiping in his life. You will see a person who often prays in tongues. You will see a person who often praises and worships in tongues. You will see a person who often meditates on Scriptures. You will see a person who often learns certain Scriptures by heart. You will see a person who often seeks intimacy with God. You will see a person who constantly submits himself to God. You will see a person who entered into the rest of God. This is real spiritual warfare! And yes, it has nothing to do with demons and it has nothing to do with evil directly.

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Former Satanists Cause Vulnerabilities In Church

You will not see this person facing demons and all sorts of evil! In fact, evil has no foothold in the life of the person that I just described to you. There is just no open doors or opportunities in his life that evil can work with or utilize to oppress him. He is totally protected.

This is what James 4:7 tell us to do

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

So you can see that there is a part that we need to play in this regard. God was responsible for the hedge. He has put it in place for all of us through his son Jesus Christ who defeated the enemy once and for all. The enemy cannot get past the hedge. The hedge is around all of us.

Our part is to “take unto” us the full armor of God to prevent the enemy from influencing us from behind the hedge of protection. If we do what the enemy wants us to do then we have become our own worst enemy. That is when we start to bring things over ourselves exactly as we did before we started to follow Jesus Christ. So it is possible to be inside this hedge of protection but still experiencing all sorts of troubles and calamities because of ourselves. In such cases, we ourselves are to be blamed because we failed to do what God asked us to do. What did He ask us to do? To be obedient and to have faith in him and his word. That means we need to submit ourselves to God and we need to resist the devil. We need to resist his suggestions.

When we are obedient and when we have faith in God and his word we can live in peace and in victory no matter what challenges we need to face in life. If we are obedient and if we have faith in God and his word, and if we are patient, we will defeat every sickness, every disease and every calamity that we brought over ourselves until we are completely free and victorious over all negative circumstances in our lives. This is where the last item of our body armor comes into play, the word of God. The word of God will slowly but surely change your life. You will create positive circumstances and you will call the most wonderful things into existence. The chaos will disappear into thin air. The darkness will be dispersed by the light.

See also
Audio and Written Versions: Spiritual Warfare Session 1

This is a person who entered into the rest of God. This is a person who learned, even whilst facing all sorts of challenges, to find rest and peace in a place of childlike-intimacy and childlike-faith! That place is deep in the heart of God.

This is not a Christian “fighter” who takes on demons all the time. This is not a spiritual warrior waving around his magic wand in the Name of Jesus Christ, with the sole purpose of submitting and subduing evil to the word of God and to the will of God. People like this follow all sorts of man-made rituals which are not even in the Bible. These people do not experience real victory in their lives. They are always and constantly busy with yet another curse to be broken, yet another spirit to face, yet another counter-attack in order to defeat the enemy once again.

Again and again, these attacks occur and counter-attacks have to be carried out in order to ensure protection and victory in all sorts of situations in the lives of these people. They cannot really rest at all. The focus shifted from being intimate with God and being in an intimate love relationship with Christ, to a constant focus on evil and constant fighting against evil. There is no rest in the life of the believer who does not know who and what he is in Christ. There is no rest in the life of the believer who does not know that the battle was won and that the battle is over! In fact, two thousand years ago already.

I know that people have the best of intentions. I know that many of them are ignorant because of being taught false doctrines by ignorant preachers and ignorant ministers. In reality, while these people are calling their brothers up for the battle, God is inviting people to enter into His rest. While these people are mobilizing God’s people for battle and embarking on all sorts of strategies against the enemy, God is inviting his people to a place of intimacy. This is what Jesus Christ showed Lana Vawser recently:

This morning I felt the Lord saying that we are entering such a deep rest in His love this year, it is unlike anything we have known before. The key is and always is – our intimacy with Jesus!

Your simple positioning before Him in intimacy in this season is going to see the Spirit of God uproot any areas of your heart and soul that may be causing these cycles of striving, anxiety, and perfectionism. The Lord is breaking measuring sticks with His love that many are using to measure whether they “measure up”.

I had a vision where I saw Jesus breaking those measuring sticks. He took His people by the hand, one by one and He said “This is the measuring stick” and before them, I saw THE CROSS!!!!

Such love surrounded me… Jesus spoke again “You are enough! You were enough! Not because of what you do but because of WHO YOU ARE!!!! You are Mine!!!! You measure up because of My great love for you!!! I am breaking off and healing the weariness that has come over many of you through this striving. You do not need to prove yourself! You are valued and dearly loved! You are accepted and not rejected!!! I delight in you!! I love you!!!”


The greatest refreshment, strengthening, vision, fruitfulness, and breakthrough is beginning to happen in your life and will explode with great momentum FROM the place of being and resting in My love! Many of you have been looking at the “rest” as a physical thing, living lives that aren’t busy, intentionality with your time and alignment and boundaries in this season are crucial, but I am talking about a deeper rest. The rest of your heart, the rest of your soul and of your mind. A REST in My love that secures even deeper your identity! The rest of My love that is stopping the tormenting, racing thoughts and lies and teaching you to renew your mind with My Word and in My love. It is happening and as you continue to draw deeper into the place of intimacy with Me it is going to blossom and explode like never before. More fruitfulness, favor, acceleratory breakthrough, opportunity, power and flow of My Spirit is coming to you from this place of deep, deep rest. This is your season to not only be REVEALED but this is your season to be HEALED. Yes, you will be revealed to the world in this season of great favor and with greater opportunities and positioning, but your heart and soul must be healed. I am soothing and healing you with My love! I am quieting you with My love! (Zephaniah 3:17) I am arising you with My love! I am awakening you with My love! I am unraveling you in the most glorious way with My love, so YOU can come forth!!!”


I saw butterflies breaking forth everywhere in this vision. New life, transformation, and flight! I saw Jesus admiring these beautiful butterflies, His eyes filled with such joy. He was beaming! He spoke again “It is in My love, the cocoon of intimacy with Me, that you are all finding your wings!!! You are coming through this process as you give me your YES and obey Me, healed of this trying, this striving, this performance, awakened to your OWN SONG! The expression, message, and gifting I have placed with each of you that is uniquely different! Different “songs” are going to rise up all across the world in accelerated ways in this season. The “songs” being the life message, the gifting, the anointing I have given you, and you will sing your own song with confidence in My love and not comparison. You will see what you carry is powerful, beautiful and so needed. The world is waiting for YOU to take your place in and through your encounters with Me. Do not miss your turn, do not miss your time, through comparison, striving, insecurity, fear, intimidation or competition. Come deeper into the rest of My love! Ask Me to take you deeper! Invite Me! Give Me your, YES and I will do the rest!”

I saw the Lord sitting on a mountain top that was so beautiful! Green grass all around, colorful flowers blooming everywhere, the sun shining brightly and He called His people to come and sit with Him. I watched as many, many, many people came and sat with Him.

He spoke “Because of wounded souls, there is a lot of TRYING going on amongst My people. Come deeper and live in Hebrews 4.

I will awaken in you a greater revelation of the FAITH-FILLED LIFE rooted in Me and My love and it will see doubt washed away. You will see your greatest days of encounter, breakthrough, fruitfulness, and promotion come upon you, from the glorious place of ABIDING in Me!! I am wooing you with My love. Deeper and deeper still. Get ready to be undone by My love in the most glorious way!”

So we conclude that there is still a full and complete “rest” waiting for believers to experience. As we enter into God’s faith-rest life we cease from our own works, just as God celebrates his finished works and rests in them. So then we must give our all and be eager to experience this faith-rest life so that no one falls short by following the same pattern of doubt and unbelief.” – Hebrews 4:9-11 (The Passion Translation)

Lana Vawser

You may ask, “How exactly do we enter into the rest of the Lord?”

See also
Still Breaking Curses?

The answer is so simple. It is by sitting at the feet of Jesus. It is by allowing Him to look into your eyes for ours without even saying a word. It is by seeking intimacy with Him. It is by learning to hear His voice. There in His presence, you will learn who He really is. There in His presence, you will bathe in His Glory, His Goodness and His Love. There in His presence, all fear will disappear. In His presence, you will be transformed from an immature child of God into the beautiful wondrous mature bride of Christ. In His presence, you will be transformed into an instrument and into a vessel of glory. There you will find peace. There you will find victory. There you will know what it is to be loved. There you will learn that loves causes all fear to cease.

Ephesians 3:17-21

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him, that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

The truth is, real intimacy with Jesus Christ and real resting in God is the purest form of Biblical spiritual warfare God gave us!

This is what true intimacy with Christ Jesus and what real resting in God do:

It strengthens and it develops the six weapons of spiritual warfare!

In His presence we really find the truth, we really live in righteousness, we learn how to boldly preach the gospel of peace, we really learn to trust in Him and to believe His Word, we really know salvation and we really learn how to apply the word of God in our lives. With this intimacy and this rest as the foundation, we mature and we grow. It is actually Him we find. It is actually He that becomes our Foundation. He is Truth! He is Righteousness! He is Peace! He is Faith! He is Salvation and He is the Word of God!

1 John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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Life After COVID-19

With this knowledge and with this foundation and out of this intimate relationship with Christ, and out of this place of resting in Christ, the devil and evil just cannot find any foothold or loophole to harm you at all. Here you are safe. Here you truly live a victorious life. This is truly spiritual warfare!

True resting in Christ does not mean you are to be passive in terms of your faith walk in Christ

It is very important to understand that we cannot be passive in our faith walk. We as children of God need to know what God expects from us. There are a few aspects and a few principles regarding our faith walk in Christ that seem to be contradicting each other. The truth is that it actually completes each other and that it is all like the different pieces of a puzzle that fits perfectly together to form this amazing work of God.

God completed His work. God Himself entered into a state of rest. He does not work anymore. When Christ said those words on the cross, “It is finished”, it really was. He conquered evil, He disarmed satan and his kingdom, He nullified the devil, He openly triumphed over all evil, He took back the keys of hell, He gave the dominion back to mankind, He reversed the curse of sin, He set us free once and for all.

Many people do not really understand this. God does not work anymore? No, He did everything that He could do for you already. There is nothing more that He can do for you. There is nothing that you need from God that He did not already give you. God is not working behind the scenes for your good anymore. He is not fighting your battles for you while you are resting. No, He already did that two thousand years ago on that cross of Calvary! We were completely delivered and completely set free. Christ did it all. After that, He entered into His eternal rest. He delegated His power to the church when He entered into His eternal rest.

The fact is, the ball is now in our court. We need to tap into what He already did and make it ours. It is not God’s will to heal you. No, He already healed you on that cross. God does not want to save you. He already saved you on that cross. The first time that somebody taught these truths to me I did not really understand it. It is only after I spent some time in the secret place of intimacy with Jesus Christ that these truths were revealed to me. Only then could I fully understand what His words meant when He said: “it is finished”.

See also
Audio and Written Versions: Dreams Interpretation Session 11

I do not have to beg God for healing. He already gave it to me. I do not have to ask Him if He really wants to heal me. He already healed me. He gave us everything that we need. It is all always available to us and for us to use whenever we need it. He already provided us all that we will ever need. It is ours. It is our inheritance. It belongs to us. We just have to tap into these wonderful resources of spiritual blessings and make it ours in faith.

I always like to tell the story of a father and a mother who went to bed one night. All the children were there and they all had a wonderful evening with them. The parents prepared a wonderful supper for the children and they even had a barbecue. There was so much food and it was cooked perfectly. After the feast, fit for a king, the leftovers were stored in the fridge. After a joyous time of fellowship, all of them went to bed after the children decided to a sleepover.

When the father and the mother woke up the next morning they heard the joyful laughter of the children in the kitchen. They dressed and went to the kitchen to join them. When they arrived in the kitchen they discovered that the children were enjoying what was left of the barbecue the night before. The rest of the food was already divided among them and it was clear that they were taking it home with them. The children all laughed when they saw the surprised look on their parent’s faces. “Looks like I am taking you out for breakfast and dinner honey” is all the father could say whilst they also started breaking out in laughter.

This is just a short story but it tells us a lot about the will and the provision of God. Our God is good and He provided for us according to his riches in Christ. He wants us to be like these children. He wants us to take what He provided for us. He wants us to take our inheritance. If we do not take it Christ died in vain. He wants us to have this same attitude with what He gave us, exactly as these children did in this short story. They knew that their parents loved them. They knew that they had the right and the privilege to take what they want. They knew that their parents would have no problem with that. They knew that this is actually what they wanted them to do. They did not hesitate one second when they opened that fridge and almost emptied it.

See also
Audio and Written Versions: Dreams Interpretation Session 4

God wants us to tap into His provision. He wants us to take our healing. He wants us to take our salvation. He wants us to take our deliverance. It belongs to us. He does not want us to doubt one second about His will for us and His ability. In fact, He already gave it to us. That says He was able and it says that He wanted us to have it all along.

We should not do what the nation of Israel did when they were supposed to take the land of Canaan.

After Moses died, God told Joshua that he would be leading the Children of Israel across the Jordan River into the “Promised Land.” God reminded Joshua where the geographic boundaries were. For a detailed description of the boundaries, from landmark to landmark, read Numbers 34:2-18. The Promised Land would encompass over 300,000 square miles.”


The “Promised Land” never fully became the “Possessed Land.”

The most that the Israelites ever possessed was about 10%, a mere 30,000 square miles.

As Christians, every promise in the Bible is given to us to possess, but do we possess every promise in the Bible? How many of God’s promises have we made our own by conquest? They are given to us but we must take possession of them and make them our own.

Unfortunately, the Church, like Israel, has failed to claim the possessions given by the Lord.

We do not claim our inheritance because of a lack of faith. We do not claim our inheritance because of ignorance. We do not claim our inheritance because we do not know God intimately. We do not even know what we really inherited!

I want to say it again, it is absolutely possible to get anything you ask from God if you adhere to only two very important conditions?

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

1 John 3:21-22

Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

These two verses are the ultimate test for any man of faith. If you meet the condition of the first condition you are halfway there. If you adhere to the second condition also you will receive whatsoever you ask God. This promise is guaranteed! I will even go so far as to say that it is absolutely impossible not to receive the desires of your heart, in more clear terms; whatsoever you want from God if you comply with both these conditions. This is guaranteed! I do not doubt this fact at all.

See also
Email Debate: Generational Curses Part 2

Romans 8:31

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

This Scripture summarizes it all, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Jesus Christ really did set us free indeed. “Who can be against us?” means nobody can come against us.

We cannot and do not have to do anything in order to obtain any redemption or deliverance of any kind. Jesus Christ did it all for us. If you still think that you need to carry out all sorts of acts and rituals called “spiritual warfare” in order to obtain some kind of deliverance you really are not free yet. This is just not true. You are being conned into believing that you need to stand against the enemy in a way that God did not intend for you.

The truth is that you, as a righteous child of God, only have to submit yourself to God, abstain from getting involved in sin and unbelief, live an obedient life in Christ and you will see that by resisting the devil this way, he will flee from you.

If you experience defeat in your life it is not because you lost a “spiritual battle” or are still loosing a “spiritual battle” against the enemy. No, it is because of a lack of faith or a lack of ability to change circumstances in your life because of disobedience. We speak to the mountain. We speak to the problem. It has nothing to do with the enemy. We remove the mountain or the obstacle in our lives through faith and through the word of God and through obedience. We do not fight demons and evil in order to remove obstacles and mountains in our lives.

This, however, cannot be achieved without the foundation of intimacy and the foundation of resting in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your stronghold in life! There is a verse in Scripture and a song that say that “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are saved”. Jesus Christ IS the strong Tower. We need to run into Him! In Him is a place of rest!

We have seen that we do need to claim our inheritance, we, however, do it from a position of rest and a position of intimacy. We do it from a position of trust and a position of faith. We do not do it out of ourselves. We do not rely on own works but on the power and the goodness and the love of God.

See also
Audio and Written Versions: Victorious Living In Christ Session 5

Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

This is very clearly grace and faith at work here. This is resting in Christ. Still, we always have a part to play in obtaining God’s promises. We need to claim our inheritance. This is where the works come in:

James 2:24

You see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

This verse emphasizes the fact that God did everything for us but that we also need to do our part. We live by faith but also by works. We enter into the rest of God but we also need to claim our inheritance. He has put the hedge around us but we have to claim our whole inheritance.

Through faith and grace only, our salvation comes to us. This is a gift from God and we cannot do anything to be saved. God gave us complete redemption irrespective of who we are. We, however, need the works to save our souls from sin. We need to pursue holiness in order to live holy lives. God does not do this for us. We need to pursue holiness in all obedience. That is our part. That is true Godly works in the lives of God’s people.

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force, yet we do it from a position of rest in God. We do it from a position of intimacy with Christ. We do it from a position of childlike-faith and childlike-intimacy. This is authentic Biblical spiritual warfare!

This is all for today. In the next session, we are discussing the same topic that we did today but from a slightly different angle and in more detail.

Thanks for listening. See you next time.

Session 9


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See also
Audio and Written Versions: Spiritual Warfare Session 2

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