Basie Martins Testimony

I have often mentioned that the word of God is the primary force and the most important factor when it comes to living a victorious life in Christ. Nothing is as important as the word of God. When a person knows the true word of God and he believes that word and if he is obedient to God and his will and his word, he will live a victorious life in Christ. Nothing can stop a victorious life when these requirements are met. Such a person will live in faith and he will live by every word that came out of the mouth of God which is the word of God in written form.

I will now discuss the steps we need to follow to achieve this. To start, it is astonishing that only a few Christians know that the word of God has a built-in ability to produce faith. For those of you who do not know, I will now tell you how I achieved faith in my life and what steps I followed to slay the giants in my life.

The secret is meditating on God’s word until faith is produced. It is not there immediately after you have read a Scripture or God’s promises in the Bible. It takes a little bit more time than that. So after I had read and heard the testimonies of great men and women of faith, God revealed to me the steps to produce miracle-working faith in my life. He showed me how He achieved that in the lives of these great men and women.

These are the steps that He instructed me to follow which I did follow and which did build up the miracle-working faith in my heart that I needed:

Step 1 – I decided that I would believe the word of God no matter how impossible it seemed and that I would act in faith no matter how difficult or challenging the circumstances seemed. So I cut and pasted all the promises of God from a digital Bible onto a Word document and I printed them all. I did change every Scripture by applying it to me personally. I used the words I and me instead of Israel or you and so on. I put them up all over the walls of our house. I was literally surrounded by the word of God wherever I was in the house.

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I started to read them over and over again, one by one continuously daily. I even attempted to learn these Scriptures by heart although I was not very successful with that. But I meditated on these Scriptures every day. I read them over and over again and again, loudly, and I could feel day by day how the Holy Spirit was nailing these Scriptures into my heart or building it into my heart like you build a brick wall. He was engraving the word of God onto the tables of my heart. I repeated every word of every Scripture every day over and over again. Each time I emphasized a different part of each Scripture and I made all those Scriptures part of my being.

I could feel how the word slowly but surely produced faith in my heart. I could feel it gradually build up in my heart. I could eventually identify the exact moment (the date and time) when each Scripture produced enough faith in my heart for me to start acting on them.

As soon as I realized that I had faith in and for a specific thing, I removed the worldly support system for the specific thing. Eventually, I canceled all my insurance on my vehicles, and all my belongings, and I started to trust God for everything in my life. Although many things were already canceled because of my bad financial situation at that time, I decided not to renew them when my finances were restored at a later stage. When I say I started to trust him for everything I mean everything. I did not ask anybody for help because when we trust in people we are moving away from God (Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD). 

Even today, 12 years later, I still have no medical insurance, no insurance on my vehicles, no alarm systems, or any other worldly support system whatsoever. As I said, it is not easy but it is certainly possible and guaranteed if we persist. God restored almost everything in my life. Yes, I still have some issues like wearing glasses and a few other small medical issues, but, I am not done yet. What I discovered was that sometimes the restoration process takes a long time and sometimes it manifests quicker. I was healed of many sicknesses and diseases in my life and I was delivered from many calamities and challenging situations and sins in my life but some of them took quite a while. But believe me, it was worth the effort.

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I live in faith. I trust God for everything I need. I live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.

As I said, at first it was extremely challenging. It was difficult but it became easier and easier day by day. I experienced resistance from all over. My wife and my family and even friends and colleagues were very concerned with what I was doing. They had all sorts of concerns with the way I trusted God and the way I interpreted the Bible. They thought that I had gone insane. They attempted to make me understand what the Bible really says and what the will of God is about certain matters.

They told me that nobody believes what I believe and nobody interprets the Bible the way I do. They gave me a lot of warnings and they really tried to scare me. Some even told me that I was surely going to die and that I was surely going to lose a lot of things. I just ignored them all. When you believe the word of God, when the word of God produces faith in your heart then you do not care what people say anymore. That is when you only regard what God said. People could not scare me anymore.

The moment that I slain the giant of fear, many doors of success and victory immediately opened for me. I could finally understand how Paul could shake off a deadly snake that had just bitten him and how Abram could be ready to kill his only son without thinking twice. The Bible says that Abram did not fear to do that because he knew that God would raise Isaac again. Paul knew that if God said that he must go to Rome to carry out the work that He called him for the snake could not kill him at all. They just believed God and that is what I intended to do.

Sure enough, even I had to face life-threatening situations and circumstances and I behaved just like they did. It was God’s faith in action. It was simply there when I needed it. The word of God just produces faith automatically. It was not because of me.

So I started to slay the giants, one by one. At times I panicked but the faith in my heart just kept building and building as I kept meditating on the promises of God daily. When I felt panic, I ran to my printouts on the walls (later in my file) and I meditated on the word of God until I calmed down. And then, one beautiful morning I did not panic anymore. The fear disappeared completely.

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There were many giants. When Marinda and I started this faith walk in Christ our financial situation could not be any worse. We were financially in a dreadful situation. We were on the verge of losing everything that we owed. We could not pay any of our debts. The house, the vehicles, and everything we owed were in the balance.

We could not understand why after we gave up everything, after we reported for duty, after we stepped out in faith, after we did exactly what we knew God wanted us to do, we would be facing all these challenging situations all at once. Marinda especially could not understand why God was not providing. Why was He not healing us immediately? Instead, everything quickly deteriorated at a frightening speed. Several times I got into the shower not knowing if I would have made it out alive. I was weak and my heart played all sorts of tricks on me. It just stopped beating many times by going into a state of vibration. I slept countless times with both my hands completely dead. It woke me up many times and I had to massage both my arms many times to get the blood back into my hands.

I was very sick. I had a heart attack just a year or two before we started on this journey of faith. I was still weak and my medical condition was very unstable. I had to use chronic medication for my heart which I stopped using when we decided to step out in faith.

At one stage I learned to trust God completely when it comes to my health. I could feel one day that I do not fear trusting God for my health because of the word of God and the promises of God regarding sicknesses, diseases, and calamities. I stopped all medication and I decided not to make use of the medical profession anymore. It did scare me a bit but I refused to be intimidated by emotions of fear, especially when I stopped using the chronic medication for my heart.

Fear told me that my blood was going to thicken rapidly and that I was going to get another heart attack. Fear told me that my heartbeat was going to go crazy and that I would eventually die because of it. Fear told me that I was going to die because of a stroke. Fear told me that we are going to lose everything that we owe. I knew that I had to kill the giant called fear, and I am referring to the emotion of fear. As I mentioned in a previous chapter, there is no such thing as a spirit of fear. Fear is an emotion in our souls that the devil wants us to succumb to. We need to subdue our emotions. We need to control our emotions. It is a decision. We do not have to fight demonic spirits of fear. That is a lie.

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So whenever I felt fear building up in me, I ran to the walls and I started to meditate on those Scriptures about fear and the promises of God about his provisions and health and sicknesses. Over and over until I could feel how faith and love replaced the fear. I became more and more convinced every day that God gave us divine provision, divine protection, divine maintenance, and divine healing every day of our lives and that it is all guaranteed at all times under all circumstances, as long as we do not give up but keep on trusting God and his word.

I just kept on doing this and I refused to give up. And one day, the wonders and miracles started to happen. The first thing that happened was divine financial provision. You see, I left my job to start a full-time ministry without any income. God called me to teach his church but He did not want me to join a denomination. He also did not want me to minister to a congregation or pastor a congregation. So this meant that I wouldn’t be able to earn a salary. I was completely dependent on God to provide for me and my family supernaturally.

One morning, when we did not even have any food left in the house, I saw a vision of a person I knew. In the vision, this person walked to me and he stopped a few feet away from me. He smiled at me and he formed his lips like kissing me. He then turned around and he left. I knew that the symbolic meaning of these actions in dreams and visions was that this person favored me and my family.

During that same week, that person knocked on my door, and to make a long story short, he committed to carrying my ministry financially. He paid quite a lot of money into my bank account every month for almost three years. More than a half million rand. It was just enough to keep us going for the mentioned period. The day that this man stopped providing for us, that day my wife was signed on permanently at a job where she was a temporary worker. She got a huge raise and that raise was equivalent to the amount that the man I mentioned provided for us monthly. So we did not lose anything. Everything was paid for and we managed to catch up on all arrears. We did not lose a thing. God was faithful and He honored his word.

There were many giants and the giants were challenging. After we started the walk of faith, I had about seven heart attacks over a period of five years. Every time I just ignored the symptoms. I just walked into the field or to my “lapa” (a room with a thatched roof where I prepare open-fire meals and where we socialize) in my backyard where I usually pray. In this room, I just reminded God of his promises and I kept trusting God. At this stage, I did not fear anymore. I knew that I knew that God would not allow me to die. Every time the pain was excruciating exactly like it was the first time I had a heart attack (before I started the walk of faith in Christ when I was admitted into a hospital and when a cardiologist inserted a stent into one of my arteries).

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My heart was damaged when I had this first heart attack but it got worse after I decided to walk the walk of faith. It became weaker and weaker and my heartbeat became worse and worse. It became very irregular as a result of my not using the chronic medication for my heart. Often I realized that my heart was not beating anymore but just vibrating. During incidents like this, I just ignored all these symptoms knowing that God would not fail me.

I knew that I was healed on the cross many years ago and that I do not have to fear sicknesses and diseases that destroy people in the afternoon, according to Psalm 91. I knew that I could believe God and trust in his word. It is guaranteed to work in my life because I believed it and because I made it mine. So at times, when I realized that my heart was not beating anymore but just vibrating, I could feel how both my hands go numb and tickling and dead I just ignored all these symptoms. I reminded God of his word and I usually fell asleep.

Three different times during this period, I could feel how the muscles in one half of my face began to jerk and pull uncontrollably. I remember each time thinking that this is probably how it feels when a person has a stroke. I remember not feeling any fear knowing that I could ignore these incidents completely because of Psalm 91. Twice I just fell asleep and once I experienced it during the day. I just kept doing what I was busy and it stopped after a few minutes. I knew that this was faith in action but that it was not my faith but God’s faithfulness and God’s faith in action. It was God’s faith produced by the word of God.

I once experienced a burst or a small explosion in my left eye. I immediately had this black thing moving around and flowing around in the ball of my eye and it obstructed my vision. I remember that during this incident I instantly started to fear because it was very sudden and unexpected. I was busy frying an egg when it happened. I however recovered quickly and I reminded God of Psalm 91. I declared my healing and I started to destroy this black mass in my eye by casting it out in the Name of Jesus. It took a few weeks for this thing in my eye to dissolve and disappear.

By the way, this condition that I was healed of (my heart), is what caused the death of the well-known actor, Sean Connery on 31 October 2020. According to the Scottish actor’s death certificate, he died in his sleep from pneumonia, heart failure, and old age. Specifically, Connery reportedly died of respiratory failure due to pneumonia as well as atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rate that can cause an increased risk of strokes, heart failure, and other complications. I had the same heart condition.

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Healing became a reality in my life. I was healed of another eye condition after a medical doctor (years ago) told me that I would have to use chronic medication for this eye condition for the rest of my life. I was healed of a very serious heart condition. I was healed of gout.

Everything that I believed became a reality. I discovered that the word of God is the truth and that we can trust God and his word completely without fear. I discovered that nothing is truly impossible with God and in the lives of true believers. I finally realized that God can be utterly trusted. I finally realized that everything is guaranteed.

Other than a lack of faith and disobedience, which I have discussed in my book about sicknesses and diseases, there can never be a nasty surprise out there. God will not fail you and tell you, sorry my child, you did not understand this correctly or that correctly and unfortunately, I could not help you or anything of the kind. God will never fail you. If you have faith and if you are obedient to God you can trust God for whatever you want to and it will be like you believed. It is guaranteed. When I finally realized this, I completely understood why Abram, Paul, and other heroes of faith in the Bible were so fearless when negative things happened to them.

I rarely asked God to heal me or to do something for me. I commanded healing by speaking life and healing to my body and I talked directly to these conditions. I did what Jesus did and I talked to the mountains and the trees and the situations in my life. I confessed and I declared the word of God in my life. I never begged God for anything. I knew that everything was paid for two thousand years ago and that everything belonged to me. I knew that God does not heal anymore. He already healed us all two thousand years ago. I knew I just had to plug in and take my healing as the woman with the issue of blood did. This was the secret.

At first, I did not understand this concept but the moment I grasped this my life changed. The moment that I learned that God does not do anything anymore, that He does not heal anymore, that He does not work behind the scenes anymore in this sense, that He is not putting things into place in our lives anymore but that God entered into his eternal rest, at that moment, my life changed.

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At that moment I realized that it is all up to us. We need to storm heaven and take it by force. We need to reign as kings in the kingdom of God and take what is ours. We need to take up our inheritance. It is ours, it belongs to us. Healing belongs to us, provision belongs to us, divine maintenance belongs to us and divine protection belongs to us. We just need to step out in faith and take it in faith. We just have to believe the word of God, make it ours, and act on it in faith. If we do, everything that we believe will become a reality. It is guaranteed. It cannot fail. You will live a long healthy life lacking nothing. You might not be rich but you will have everything you need when you need it.

I discovered that certain things are more challenging than others and I also experienced failures. I did use medication occasionally and I did consult a medical doctor once just after I started the walk of faith. As I mentioned in my book, it is dangerous to ignore certain things if you do not have faith for it or if you are disobedient to God and his will. Read Hebrews 11:6 and 1 John 3:22 which reveals the fact that without faith it is impossible to please God and by stubbornly getting involved in sin, hinders people from reigning over bad situations in their lives.

A lack of faith and obedience is a huge problem. It can lead to a person’s death or the death of a family member if people refuse medical assistance when they do not have the necessary faith or if they do not live a holy life of obedience in the presence of God. It is for this reason that I still took my children and my wife to doctors and hospitals although I refused to make use of the medical profession since the day that I started the walk of faith.

My advice to people is to rather back off and live to face the same situation another day. I have realized and I did experience that we can face one condition at a particular time but not another situation that might be more challenging. You must learn to face what you have faith for but to postpone what you do not have faith for yet. It is for this reason that we should not gamble with the lives of our children or our loved ones. Do not feel dismayed or condemned when you face a situation that is just too much for you. Postpone that situation and challenge it on another day. Make use of the systems that the world offers us but make a point of it not to fall into mediocrity. The medical profession will kill you eventually. It is not reliable. We do need to slay every giant in our lives. The giants that we do not slay will slay us eventually.

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Israel had to conquer all the heathen nations in the land of Canaan. Although they did experience some defeats, they did conquer some of these nations at a later stage. However, they failed to conquer them all and they failed to be obedient to God regarding his instructions in dealing with all of these nations. The nation of Israel only claimed about 10% of the land that they were promised. They did not claim their full inheritance and those nations that they failed to conquer, those giants that they failed to slay eventually defeated them and they lost their inheritance because of that.

This is all within our reach. Our inheritance is great. It is divine and it is ours. We can achieve it all. We can be victorious in life and in Christ if we truly want to be. We just need to step out in faith, we need to flex our faith muscles and we need to storm heaven and take what is ours by force. It is not that easy but it is completely doable and worth the effort. The joy and satisfaction that we will experience when we have slain that last giant is priceless.

For me, there is no choice. If we do not claim our inheritance, we will experience a lot of negative and bad things. We will experience situations in life that will be just too much for us to handle. It will lead to bad experiences and it will kill us before our time. God wants us all to live a life that will completely satisfy us and that will make us happy and joyful and blessed. He wants us to live a wonderful and full life full of blessings and joy. Do not be afraid.

All the promises of God are guaranteed for everybody no matter who you are or what you are experiencing in your life right now or how old you are or how sick you are. You can and you will turn everything around again. If you do what I discussed in this post, you will be restored completely. There is no exception. The only conditions are that you report for this, follow the steps that I discussed in this post, never give up, and keep on trusting God.

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