In the dream dictionary, we have discussed quite a few symbols that are used by God in dreams and visions to warn us against evil attacks and strategies that the devil and evil spirits are using to influence us in a bad way. When God gives people dreams like this, they are often under the impression that these types of dreams are from the devil or evil spirits. That is not true. At the end of this post, in the relevant discussions, I will mention a few of these symbols and then you will understand why God uses these symbols.
God created a very special language that He wanted to use to communicate with people. This language had to be very special, because, He wanted to communicate with His children in such a way that others did not understand it. Jesus explicitly told his disciples that He spoke to them in parables (which is one of three ways that He utilizes to communicate in this language) so that those that reject Him, won’t understand what He is saying. He did not want them to understand, because if they did understand, they would have realized that what He said, was indeed the truth and then they would have been “forced” to believe although they did not want to change their wicked hearts.
This language that God created is the language of symbolism. Apart from parables, the other two ways that He uses to communicate in this language are through dreams and visions. By the way, symbolism only functions through these 3 tools. This is why incidents in real-life experiences cannot be regarded as symbolism. If that was the case, we would have been so confused because then we wouldn’t have known when God is speaking and when the incidents that we are watching or experiencing is just random events or incidents.
The very popular practice nowadays by many children of God, regarding everything and anything that happened around them as God speaking to them is just as dangerous as believing that the devil can give us dreams and visions. People see “numbers” and all types of “symbols” all around them and then they just start to interpret those “symbols” as if God is speaking to them. What a dangerous practice! Nothing can deceive Christians and confuse Christians more than this practice.
I have discussed the dangers and pitfalls regarding this practice in detail at this link:
Let’s Make Everything Symbolic
Dreams and visions and the interpretation of dreams and visions belong to God. He created it and only He can use it. When you have a dream or when you see or experience a vision, you know God is speaking and you know that the symbols in the dream or vision must be interpreted. God will never share this God-created ability and language with the devil and that is why He never warned us against being deceived by the devil or demons through dreams and visions. On the other hand, Jesus and the apostles did warn us vigorously against false prophets and false apostles that will teach us erroneous teachings. Doctrines of devils come through false teachers but not through dreams and visions.
The language of symbolism is Holy and it belongs to God and only He can use it. Everybody else can only interpret it.
People who teach that satan can mislead us through dreams and visions often misunderstand the following Scripture:
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
People who believe that satan can give us dreams and visions do not know how to explain certain strange “phenomena” that they observe about this subject. This inability causes them to believe that dreams and visions can be created by evil forces. They also do not know how to deal with reports from people who claim that they had experienced dreams or visions from satan. When these people give details of the dreams or the visions they had, it indeed appears that they did indeed originate from satan or from demons.
In this post, we will also discuss the Scripture in the Book of Job that causes many Christians to believe that the devil can give us dreams and visions, in detail.
The truth is that satan cannot give us visions and he cannot give us dreams directly. He hasn’t got that power or ability. However, he can cause us to dream which is a natural result of the fear and guilt, and emotional instability that he causes in our lives. This is an automatic result of unstable emotions and not something that the devil causes on purpose. Emotional restoration dreams help us, restore our emotions and help us to cope with life so it is not something that he wants us to have.
People who always live in faith, righteousness, and obedience never experience dreams that were indirectly caused by evil forces. Because they do not fear anything and because their emotions are always stable and calm, they never have nightmares or negative dreams.
People are tempted into sin, disobedience, condemnation, and doubt. When we doubt the love, the favor, and the word of God we struggle spiritually. People who doubt God’s word and his love often live in fear. The more fear and the more sin in our lives, which causes feelings of guilt, regret, and condemnation, the higher the possibility that we will experience emotional turmoil in our lives. The more oppressed we are by satan, the more feelings of fear, guilt, and condemnation will build up in our souls.
This will be dealt with by the natural emotional restoration process that God gave us which is called “emotional restoration dreams.” We need this kind of dream in order for our emotional condition to be normalized or reset. This is the natural and automatic God-given mechanism that we all have to assist us in coping with the emotional stress that we are almost daily exposed to.
It is this mechanism that sometimes causes nightmares and negative or unpleasant dreams. We will experience nightmares and we will experience fear in these dreams. Even when we wake up after such a dream we will still experience fear. Some people think that such dreams come from satan. This is in fact not true. These types of dreams originated in our souls because of fear, guilt, and condemnation.
After a robbery incident a person I know frequently had dreams of robbers breaking into his house. He frequently had dreams of criminals attacking and hurting him. It was only after he learned to trust and rest in God’s love and in His ability and His will and ability to protect him, that this person managed to get rid of fear and also the nightmares.
This is why some people, after watching a movie about the abduction of children will have nightmares that night of their children being abducted or harmed in a similar way. It was not a dream from satan. It was a dream caused by fear. People who really trust in the unfailing love and protection of God watch the same movie without getting nightmares.
Now it is a well-known fact that people who get involved in the occult and in satanism do experience things that normal people (Christians and even normal unsaved people) do not experience. These people have opened a lot of doors to the devil and to demonic activities in their lives. They are seriously exposed to things that we as Christians and even normal unsaved people are not exposed to. Satan cannot cause them to see visions or to dream just as the rest of us but they do experience hallucinations and elevated demonic appearances that will confuse them even more than us.
The bottom line is, nowhere in the Bible does it say that satan can give people dreams and visions. Nowhere in the Bible do we see even one reference or one incident of a person who experienced a dream or a vision given by satan.
When we read 2 Corinthians 11:14 carefully we see that Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. What it means is that he can make himself “appear” like an angel of light. He might even be able to appear like Jesus Christ. This verse has, in fact, nothing to do with dreams and nothing to do with visions.
I am convinced that satan can appear to people pretending to be an angel of light to deceive them. He can also appear to people as the devil himself to scare them. Can he appear to a Spirit-filled Christian? He did in the life of Smith Wigglesworth. Smith and his wife were disturbed in their sleep one night when the devil suddenly stood at the foot end of their bed. Smith looked at him once and simply said the following words: “Oh! It’s only you“, and went back to sleep immediately.
There is a possibility that he did not really appear to Smith Wigglesworth and his wife that night. It could have been God exposing the presence of the devil in the room to Smith for some reason, even if it was only to test or to build his faith.
Through the years God has opened the spiritual eyes of many ministers by exposing the activities of the devil or evil spirits to them. A person I know of once ministered unto a lady who was extremely depressed. When prayer and counseling did not help this sister, this person’s eyes were opened and he saw a goat standing a few feet away. The moment he saw the goat, who was actually a demon, the demon realized that he was exposed and he fled the room immediately when this person took control of the situation. This sister was immediately delivered from the spirit of depression.
If you experience fear, in a dream, can it be from God? I once heard the testimony of a lady who was trapped in bad and evil occultic activities. She once had a dream of a very ugly and devilish monster lurking and hiding in the dark in her garden. In the dream, she was terrified. At one stage in the dream, she was peeping through her bedroom window when she saw this huge evil creature chewing a screaming woman in its huge mouth. She could hear the woman’s bones crack while being chewed to death. She heard the last faint little scream from this woman just before this creature finally swallowed her. At exactly this point she knew that she was, in fact, that woman. She was terrified during and after the dream.
Now many people would say that this dream came from satan. It actually turned out that this dream was from God. God was revealing the influences and activities and the evil intent of demonic forces in her life. It was his final warning to this woman that if she did not repent immediately from the evil and devilish activities she was involved in, the demon in the dream, was going to cause her to be lost and condemned forever. It was His last warning and fortunately, this woman did repent soon after this dream.
Now as I mentioned already, it is possible that Spirit-filled people of God who saw satan appear to them might actually have seen satan being exposed to them by God, but, I do admit that it is possible for satan and demons to appear to Christians. It is exactly what 2 Corinthians 11:14 suggest.
Does satan appear to unbelievers as satan and not disguised as an angel or Jesus Christ? I do not think so. Usually, he does not want unbelievers to know that he exists or that God exists. Does he appear to satanists and people who are busy with all sorts of witchcraft and occultism? Yes, I do think so. As I said, people in this category are exposed to a lot of things because of the sin and the devilish activities that they embarked upon.
The mere fact that satan can appear to people does not mean that he can give people dreams and visions. Dreams and visions are a divine ability. Only God can “manufacture” a dream or a vision in such a way that our physical brain and our physical senses can observe or experience it. The following quotations will give us a little more insight into what goes on in our brains when we dream:
The limbic system
The limbic system is a relatively primitive part of the brain where memories and emotions are processed. It is made up of the amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus:
The amygdala – acts as a link between a stimulus and how you react to that stimulus. It takes information from your senses and reacts in the appropriate way, i.e. if something smells bad, we feel disgust.
The hippocampus – the memory teacher. The hippocampus is responsible for memory consolidation. For example, the first time we touch something hot, it learns the experience and replays it repeatedly to another part of the brain called the cerebral cortex. This creates a long-term memory.
The cingulate gyrus – this structure is partly responsible for your physical reactions to situations. It controls skeletal muscle movement and also recognizing which part of the body has been stimulated through touch.
During REM sleep, this part of the brain is highly active. When we see what this part of the brain does, it is easy to relate it to dream production…
Active brain
So, while you may think your brain ‘switches off’ when you go asleep, it is actually highly active for part of the night. It is almost as active during REM sleep as when you are awake! During this time, it is thought that your brain also works hard to clean itself up…
Scientists have identified a specific pattern of activity at the back of the brain which could then predict whether a person was having a dream. Their findings confirm that dreaming can occur both during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep.
Researchers have traditionally associated dreaming with the high-frequency brain activity they observed during REM sleep, and which appeared similar to the kind of brain activity seen when people were awake. In contrast, low-frequency brain activity during NREM sleep was interpreted as an absence of dreams.
Only God can manipulate the very complex processes in our brains to give us dreams. In plain terms, God bypasses the normal processes deep inside our brains. He interferes with those processes by divinely inserting a God-created “video” into our brains and then He hits the “play” button. At that moment we “see” and “hear” a message from heaven. The same with a vision.
It is very important to understand that satan cannot do this. He always had only one weapon and only one power and that is his mouth. He uses that mouth to do two things; to lie and to tempt. He sits on people’s shoulders and makes deceiving suggestions. He tries you to believe his lies and he tries to get you to do bad things. That is all he can do. He has no other power, authority, or ability. He uses the only ability he has to cause you to sin, to doubt, to feel condemned, and to fear. This may lead to nightmares and bad dreams but it does not come from him. He only indirectly causes these dreams because you allowed him to instill fear and condemnation in your life.
On the other hand, it is quite easy for satan to appear to a person. He merely has to walk over from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. Although I said that it is quite easy I do need to mention that satan is tremendously restricted in what he can do when it comes to the natural realm. God has spiritual laws in place which govern both realms and evil forces cannot bypass those laws. They always need legal grounds to do so. For this reason, it is not just a matter of randomly appearing to a person. The bottom line is that satan can appear to people. When he does appear to people he does the two things that he is very good at; he lies and he deceives and he tempts. Inserting a dream into a human brain or creating a vision is something else. That requires divine abilities. Only God is the Dream-Giver and the Vision-Giver. It belongs exclusively to Him and Him only.
Through the years people noticed “astonishing” things and acts performed by evil spirits when in fact those acts are actually quite commonplace. What is so profound or so amazing when magicians cause people or objects to float in the air when in fact demons are holding up those people or objects in the air? What is so profound or so amazing when magicians achieve this through soul power? Most magicians do this with the help of equipment and assistants anyway. There is nothing miraculous about these things! It is commonplace and simple! Magicians definitely had a huge influence on people who give the devil too much credit.
Causing a person to dream or creating a vision is quite a different story. Only God can do that. People who claim that they experienced a vision from Jesus Christ or a vision of an angel appearing to them when details in that vision contradict Scripture, have actually been misled. It was not a vision and it was not Jesus Christ or angels. It was satan appearing to them as an angel.
It is common knowledge that Jesus Christ and his angels have appeared to people many times through the ages. They still do appear to people even today. Ask Muslims. They can tell you a lot about Christ or angels appearing to them. This happens a lot more lately than in the past. Christ and his angels will probably appear to people until the end of the age. The devil and his demons can do the same but as I said, this has nothing to do with dreams and visions.
We never have to fear that we might be misled by satan, in a dream or a vision, pretending that the dream or the vision is from God. This will never happen. But he can deceive us when he appears to us. The Bible says that he “is transformed into an angel of light.” He can appear to people without them knowing that he is not Jesus Christ or an angel of light. Without them knowing that this person in front of them is the devil himself! There is no atmosphere of evil. No bells of warnings going off. Absolutely nothing to warn you except one thing only: Lies and deceit!
What we do need to do is the following: Whenever Jesus Christ or an angel appears to you, always check if what they tell you conform with the Scriptures. Always ask them to give you a Scripture reference to confirm that the statements they make are true and legitimate. If we follow this rule we cannot be deceived. Jesus Christ appeared to Kenneth Hagin nine times in his life and each time Kenneth did exactly this. Every time this happened, without any exception, Jesus did give Kenneth the Scripture references that he required.
We in fact never have to fear that we will be deceived when we have dreams or visions or when angels appear to us as long as we doublecheck all information with the Scripture.
This brings me to a Scripture that some people sometimes use to support their belief that the devil can, in fact, cause us to dream:
Job 4:12-16
12 Now a thing was secretly brought to me, and mine ear received a little thereof.
13 In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men,
14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake.
15 Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:
16 It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof: an image was before mine eyes, there was silence, and I heard a voice, saying…
I agree with Roger Barrier’s explanation of this Scripture. According to him Eliphaz, one of Job’s friends, experienced a situation where he was awakening from deep sleep into a full-blown satanic attack. I also had similar experiences in my life. I can remember on one occasion I woke up from a nightmare and then experienced an evil presence in the room. On another occasion, I woke up from a deep sleep and then experienced the presence of an evil spirit next to my bed. This demon was attempting to wake me up. I was so aware of him because, in the spirit world, this demon was screaming at me at the top of his voice whilst stamping his feet repeatedly quite hard on the floor to attract my attention. My wife who was sleeping next to me was unaware of this. She did not hear a sound. I did.
On both occasions, I was caught off guard and for a few seconds terrified, confused, and paralyzed. I could not act for a few seconds. I could not call on the Name of Jesus and I could not rebuke the evil spirits in my room. At least not until I recovered.
I had quite a few dreams of exorcisms that caused me to fear that resulted in something similar. This was probably because of a few emotional concerns regarding the ministry of deliverance, particularly regarding exorcisms.
So the devil and evil spirits cannot insert divine video clips into your brain but they can appear in the night, when you are at your weakest and in a most vulnerable state, fast asleep, and unaware of anything around you. They can cause a huge chaotic loud incident next to your bed to attempt to get your attention and even talk or shout at you, as they did with me and Eliphaz. However, they have no control over this. Sometimes I just wake up, a bit startled because it is exactly the same as when your friends prank you in the middle of the night waking you up with a drum or saxophone. Of course, every time something like this happened to me, I could not react immediately.
Why and how does this happen? Consciousness occurs when we are awake; we are in a sub-conscious state when we are asleep. When we go to sleep our conscious mind makes a “hand-off” to our subconscious. When we sleep our brains also produce chemicals to paralyze our bodies. Otherwise, we would act out our dreams. Sleepwalkers have a deficiency of these chemicals, some more than others.
In the situations that I mentioned above, I was in a “paralyzed” state and thus couldn’t move or speak until the transition of control was returned to my conscious mind. I was hindered from calling out the Name of Jesus until the transition was complete and then I was back in control of my voice and able to take control in the Name of Jesus.
Eliphaz’s experience with the evil spirit occurred in that transition moment from “paralyzed” subconscious sleep to wakeful consciousness. It might have been preceded by a nightmare or a dream that made him restless but his experience was an outright demonic attack.
There is no doubt that Eliphaz awakened terrified and afraid in the midst of a full-blown satanic attack. I do not believe that satan can enter, influence, or control our subconscious minds. His attacks are limited to the times when we are fully awake and can defend ourselves.
It is possible for satan to grab a “foothold” in our lives. Paul tells us that this may occur if we continue to sin again and again in the same area. Control of that particular area is up for grabs and if satan gains control we must repent of our sins and take authority of our lives again. When the sin is forgiven satan no longer has a foothold (James 4:7).
Sometimes satan uses these footholds to get to us. As I mentioned already, it is these footholds (sin, doubt, guilt, condemnation) that cause nightmares. He indirectly causes us to dream and he is sometimes ready (this actually happens quite rarely with people) to follow such a dream up with a full-blown demonic attack just when we are at our weakest, those few seconds whilst we are waking up. He does this to create fear in our lives and to influence us when God instills faith in our lives.
It was during these few seconds that Eliphaz was influenced by the evil spirit that passed before his eyes. He could see this evil spirit and he could hear this spirit but this was not a dream.
Eliphaz was actually experiencing a demonic attack just like I did. This was a visitation from an evil spirit in person.
There is another aspect of dreams and visions that I mentioned in the post, “Former Satanists Cause Vulnerabilities In Church“. In this post, I mentioned that there are people in the church who outright lie about many things in their lives. They do it on purpose to hurt the body of Christ. They tell lies about dreams and visions, doctrines, and all sorts of spiritual experiences in their lives. Some people are being deceived and they deceive other people without even knowing it. This is not what I am talking about here. I am talking about people who purposely infiltrate the church to teach erroneous doctrines of devils. We read about them in the Bible:
Zechariah 10:2
For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
1 Timothy 4:1-2
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…
Unfortunately, this warning is still applicable. Many people deceive many people in the church and elsewhere, on a daily basis, and it will never stop. This is probably where the false doctrine originated that satan and evil spirits can give us dreams and visions.
2 Corinthians 11:3
But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
Mathew 24:4
And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you.”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.
The unfortunate reality:
People do interpret their dreams, visions, and experiences incorrectly.
People just lie outright about their experiences. Some never saw a vision in their lives yet they zealously testify of what God showed them in a particular vision.
People add to and subtract details about their visions or dreams they had.
People have false experiences, especially satanists because of living in a world filled with all sorts of evil deceptions. False dreams are made-up dreams. Prophets who share dreams that actually did not happen are deceiving people.
Jeremiah 23: 25-27
“I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy falsely in My name, saying, ‘I had a dream, I had a dream!’ How long? Is there anything in the hearts of the prophets who prophesy falsehood, even these prophets of the deception of their own heart, who intend to make My people forget My name by their dreams which they relate to one another, just as their fathers forgot My name because of Baal?
Some people think satan or demons are infiltrating their minds during nightmares, but there is no passage in the Bible to substantiate this. There are no biblical incidents of demonic forces communicating with people during dreams or nightmares and nowhere in the Bible are we warned against this. Nightmares are nothing more than the brain’s way of contending with our fears and concerns as it continues to function during sleep cycles.
If a Christian experiences continual, frequent nightmares that are interrupting sleep and causing an emotional disturbance on a regular basis they need to deal with their fears. They need to allow God to build up their faith so that they can rest in his love. Prayer is our most potent weapon against any kind of emotional or spiritual distress. Praying for fifteen or twenty minutes prior to sleep is the most effective way to calm the mind and heart and prepare for restful sleep. God grants wisdom to those who seek it from Him (James 1:5), and He has also promised His peace to all who seek it. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Symbols revealing evil attacks and influences in people’s lives:
Danger in a dream speaks of a spiritual attack on a person. These spiritual attacks are initiated to cause all sorts of harm in people’s lives. The danger lies in the fact that evil spirits can cause people to lose their salvation, dying without being saved at all or the person losing spiritual or financial blessings. This speaks of the person losing spiritual ground, experiencing spiritual deterioration or the person backsliding.
Dark or darkness
Luke 1:79
To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Darkness, like the night, symbolizes unbelief or sin or evil, or separation from God. Dark colors in dreams and visions symbolize evil or demonic activities. It symbolizes unbelief or sin or separation from God when it refers to people. When you dream of a “dusky” place, a place full of shadows or a “darkish” color it symbolizes unbelief, separation from God, or sin or evil. It also speaks of satanic influences in a person’s life or regarding certain circumstances or situations in such a person’s life.
There are quite a few symbols in the dictionary as well as the free online dream dictionary that symbolizes evil spirits. Symbols like snakes and other animals and even insects and even people like gangsters and bandits, drunkards, and really dirty shady people.
I hope that this post has helped you to gain more information about this aspect.
Please take note, in order to learn the Biblical language of symbols, you need to read this information: How to interpret dreams and visions symbols correctly
Click on the following letters of the alphabet for the relevant symbol that you are looking for:
A | B | C | D | E |
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U | V | W | Y |
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Good day
I have a question:
According to your post on “Can, Satan Deceive Us Through Dreams And Visions”?
“What is so profound or so amazing to see that demons can “read” minds when in fact everything we think in the natural realm is audibly heard by all spiritual creatures in the spiritual realm? They do not read our minds! They hear us think! In the spiritual realm, this is natural. There is nothing miraculous about that! It is commonplace and simple!”
I beg to differ. According to 1Kings 8:39 then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive and act and give to each according to his ways, whose heart (mind) You know, for You and You alone know the hearts of all the children of men,
Also, check out Psalm 139:4, (John 2:25; cf. Matthew 9:4; John 6:64.
Would you please be so kind to provide me with the biblical scripture(s) that support your statement?
Many thanks and God bless.
Hi Rina,
I am so glad that you asked this question because something happened to me about this topic that really bothered me.
First I will tell you what happened to me and then I will discuss the Scriptures that you referred to.
I was actually shaken to my core at the time of the incident that I am referring to because when this incident happened, I still thought that the devil and demons cannot read our minds. People give the devil unduly credit and I hate that. It confuses people and it prevents them from reigning over the devil and their own circumstances.
What happened? Quite a few years ago, A person that I met claimed that he can read minds. He wanted to prove it by demonstrating to me that he can tell me any number that I think of immediately and as often as he wants to. There was no interaction between us or any aids involved like playing cards or pen and paper or anything that could cause him to mathematically work out the answer (it was plain and simple; I think of a number and he will tell me what that number is immediately).
I accepted the challenge and over and over again, he was right without any exception. I think of a random number and when I show him with a “thumbs up” that I am ready, he immediately reveals the correct number.
I was shocked because this incident has shaken my theology. Instantly, the only conclusion that I could reach was that it must have been a demon or demons standing around us that read my mind and somehow gave him the correct answers. We were alone. Nobody else was present that could have assisted him in any way. It was a very awkward and unpleasant incident for me.
I then asked him to do it once more. I had a plan (I was going to choose a random number again but this time I will give him the thumbs-up and immediately after that I will change the number in my head). I actually chose a different number whilst he was already opening his mouth and to my shock, he gave the correct answer (the second number). My plan did not work. He somehow knew what I was thinking.
In the years that followed, this bothered me a bit until I saw a video clip of a man who went to heaven and back. He stated in the video that he discovered in heaven that whatever a person thinks in heaven is heard by everybody in heaven because whatever we think in heaven is broadcast over the “speakers of heaven”. Nobody can hide what they are thinking because everybody “hears” it.
Watch this video for a testimony of what this person experienced in heaven about this:
He is not the only person who had a similar revelation in heaven about this.
So yes, I cannot give you a Scripture about the statement I made in this post but I truly believe that evil spirits can “hear” us think. This does not only apply to heaven but to the whole spiritual realm. It is still the only explanation for the incident that I had.
Now let us discuss the Scriptures that you mentioned:
1 King 8:39 – Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men.
My wife knows my heart because she lives with me. We interact constantly and I reveal to her all my inner secrets, my plans, my ambitions, and my views on a lot of things, in life, people, religion, cultures, and all sorts of things. However, she only knows what I tell her or what she sees (my actions). We have been together for almost 25 years and I can still hide things from her if I want to.
With the devil and demons, it is very similar: The devil knows me based on what he sees (my actions), what He hears me say, and, if I am right about this, what I think because he and his demons can hear what I think. Yet, he will have to listen to me daily for years before he knows me, just like my wife. The devil and demons are not omnipresent like God and they cannot hear what everybody thinks all at the same time. I am sure they must focus on one or a few people.
Now, this is not the case with God. According to the Scriptures, God is the only person who truly knows the heart of every person that ever walked this earth. He does not have to “hear” us or look at our actions. He knows us inside out from beginning to end. He knows everything about us even before we were born. Only God can do that so the Scriptures that you referred to are absolutely correct.
To be honest with you, I do not like the fact that the devil and demons can read our minds, but, I have absolutely no other explanation for what happened to me.
The same with Psalms 139: 4 God knows everything that we will ever do and say from the beginning, not even just before we say it or do it. The same with John 2:25 and all the other Scriptures that you referred to. Only God has this ability and what I believe and wrote in this post does not deny or contradict that. The devil does not know much about us by listening to what we say or think unless he does that every day for the rest of our lives, but, that he cannot do (not omnipresent like God).
I hope this answers your question.
Blessings in Christ
Basie Martins
(Reply through email)
Hi Basie
Thank you for your answer and that you shared your testimony. What you said confirmed what I already know in my heart.
The reason why I asking this question is to be sure of what satan and his goons are capable of. I don’t want to be caught off guard ever again when I have an unease or discomfort in my spirit. I’m a work in progress, though to getting “acquainted” with the voice/word of God. Very, very early in my walk with the Lord, I learned that His word is the ONLY firm/solid truth in this upside-down world with so many voices in. Not knowing, not learning to recognize God’s voice cost my husband and me dearly. For that, I hold satan and the traditional church we were in, at the time responsible.
When I read your testimony, a few points stood out to me. I believe the Lord laid it on my heart to share with you what, I have sensed.
You said, “I was confronted by a magician who claimed that he can read minds and that he can tell me any number…”
What stood out to me is –
Firstly – you were confronted. Now, you, yourself said that demons are studying us all the time, even from birth. They know our behavior and every movement. I am pretty sure how they operate. I have first-hand experience.
What is the possibility that they saw you’re inclined to automatically, out of habit always chose the same numbers every time? Well, I have a preference for the same numbers. I caught myself using the same numbers every time, that first time. If you catch what I’m saying.
Secondly – a magician. You, me almost every Christian know who, and what a magician is. They all are instruments of satan who are all being controlled, manipulated, and dictated by demonic power (satan) to pester, irritate and frustrate us in the attempt to cause us to sin, disbelieve and lose our anointing from God. By doing that, satan can prevent the Holy Spirit to work through us. Stop our ability to hear clearly from God/Holy Spirit and ultimately mislead and guide others.
Thirdly – I(you). Who are I(you) – you’re a spirit-filled Christian who devoted his life to teaching/preaching/spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Who minister to messed-up, broken, and lost souls. You’re someone who helps the lost and not so lost. AND you are a person whom the Lord anointed with a BIG CALLING on his life And, satan is fully aware of it.
Do you think for one second that he is going to ignore you? No, no he has his nails and his fangs showing for you. He knows your weaknesses and your strength and is not going to attack your strong points. That is another revelation!!
I have watched the video testimony. I watched it again, and four “things” came to my mind.
One – he (the man that gave the testimony) is taken to a room like a library in heaven. Separated from the rest of heaven, where Jesus spoke to him, told him to choose three books, and gave him his assignment. There was no other person(s) in the room or around him.
Two – He saw another book, knew what Jesus said, and thought to steal the book. Now, Jesus knows our every thought and lets the man know that He is aware of what he is contemplating. Jesus let the man hear his own thoughts aloud. Is it possible that this was just what Jesus was trying to let the man know, that what he is thinking is not acceptable in heaven and that He (Jesus) is aware of it?
Three – what is communicated in the video, is that the man heard his thoughts. The same as what I experienced when God told me verbally that my husband is not going to die. I experienced the same scenario, when God spoke to me is, what was portrayed in the video.
Four – I want to ask this question – are you one hundred percent sure that God/Jesus will blare out the thought(s) of a person for all to hear and thus belittle that person? Remember that man is not yet in heaven, he is not yet been glorified. God/Jesus doesn’t even do that now. Just a thought!
You said that you have no scripture to support your explanation. Well, there is your answer. If the word of God cannot support a behavior, deed, action, statement, etc. it is not worthwhile to let it into your heart and accept it. I want to go as far as saying, don’t accept, it, and don’t let it into your heart.
Once again, I believe you have a big calling on your life and that satan has set his target on you. Don’t give him a foot in the door. If your feeling does not line up with the Word of God then rethink it until you received an explanation that is backed by the Word of God Himself.
Christians should have a motto that reads: The Word of God is true in whole or not at all.
I bless you with wisdom, insight, and understanding in Jesus’s name.
Kind regards.
Hi Rina,
Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate your input because I honestly would like to get to the bottom of this. It is very important to me because I am a teacher and one of my heart’s desires is to teach the truth. This is why I am not part of a denomination. I don’t even want to consider the fact of teaching erroneous doctrines to the body of Christ.
However, I am still not convinced about this. A have a problem with a few things that you mentioned:
(Now, you, yourself said that demons are studying us all the time, even from birth. They know our behavior and every movement. I am pretty sure how they operate. I have first-hand experience. What is the possibility that they saw you’re inclined to automatically, out of habit always chose the same numbers every time? Well, I have a preference for the same numbers. I caught myself using the same numbers every time, that first time. If you catch what I’m saying)
Basie: I am sure this does not explain what happened to me. I never work with numbers. I never have to and I never randomly had to come up with numbers. There is no way that demons could have worked out any “pattern”. They are extremely intelligent but this suggestion is just not the case.
(You, (me) (almost every Christian) know who, and what a magician is. They all are instruments of satan who are all being controlled, manipulated, and dictated by demonic power (satan) to pester, irritate and frustrate us in the attempt to cause us to sin, disbelieve and lose our anointing from God. By doing that, satan can prevent the Holy Spirit to work through us. Stop our ability to hear clearly from God/Holy Spirit and ultimately mislead and guide others)
Basie: Because of this belief, I have always investigated magicians and what they do (I also believed that they use demons to perform their tricks). What I have found is that it is certainly true, but, not to the extent that I thought. By far, the vast majority of what they do can be explained. The vast majority of magicians are not used by demons. They are people in “show business” and they use tricks and people and equipment to help them prepare tricks and “stages” and ways to perform their tricks. Now there is nothing wrong with this. It is just “show business”.
However, I do suspect that some of them do use demons to carry out things that cannot be explained. But as I said, this is just a very small portion of what they do. After watching a lot of YouTube videos in which people reveal how magicians perform their tricks, I have noticed that almost everything could be explained.
(He saw another book, knew what Jesus said, and thought to steal the book. Now, Jesus knows our every thought and lets the man know that He is aware of what he is contemplating. Jesus let the man hear his own thoughts aloud. Is it possible that this was just what Jesus was trying to let the man know, that what he is thinking is not acceptable in heaven and that He (Jesus) is aware of it?)
Basie: Why didn’t Jesus do this privately? Why did He broadcast these thoughts on the “speakers of heaven” so that everybody can hear them? I think this is because in heaven, there are no lies or secrets and everybody knows everything just as Jesus knows everything. Nothing is hidden in heaven. Also, I do not think it was physical speakers that we have here on earth. The man told us what he experienced in heaven. We may doubt what he said but we cannot make assumptions.
(I want to ask this question – are you one hundred percent sure that God/Jesus will blare out the thought(s) of a person for all to hear and thus belittle that person? Remember that man is not yet in heaven, he is not yet been glorified. God/Jesus doesn’t even do that now. Just a thought!)
Basie: To be honest with you, I do think that angels and demons can see everything that we do. Even our most intimate actions are visible to them. There is not a veil or something between us that hides what we say and do from them. No, they are all around us all the time and I know they see everything that we do and they hear everything that we say even in secret. “Hearing” what we think won’t make much difference at all.
(The Scriptures that you referred to)
Basie: Again I want to emphasize that the Scripture that you referred to is all about God “knowing” what and who we are. He knows our motives. He knows what makes us tick. He knows our character. This has nothing to do with our minds or our thoughts but all about our hearts.
What I have decided to do is to remove that paragraph from my book and the post and all my teachings, until I am sure of this fact.
The Bible does not say whether demons or the devil can read our minds or whether they can “hear” us think. To God, this was not important enough to mention in the Bible, therefore, I feel that we should not be bothered by this.
The devil and demons are not omniscient nor omnipresent, so how much can they take in by reading our minds or hearing us think anyway. So what if they can pick up things about us? They cannot do anything to us or with the information that they gain anyway. We have power over the devil and demons and we are protected by the word of God. This is another reason why I decided to remove the paragraph from the post and my book. It really does not matter what evil can do in this regard.
Anyway, thanks again for your input.
Blessings in Christ.
My final take on this issue is the following:
There is not a single Scripture that says that the devil and demons can read minds or “hear” us think.
If this were true surely God would have warned us against it, so, we must assume or conclude that this is not the case. They cannot read our minds and they cannot hear us think. The testimony about the “speakers of heaven” is a completely different story or an aspect that has nothing to do with demons reading our minds.
If devils could read or hear our minds, and God did not warn us against this, then it must imply that it is not important at all. In this case (if they could read our minds or hear us think), it would not have mattered anyway. We are reigning as kings in the kingdom of God and we have dominion and power over the devil and demons and evil.
Blessings in Christ.
Deuteronomy 13
1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
4 Ye shall walk after the Lord your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
Hi there,
I am not sure what this comment means. The Scripture you refer to (Deuteronomy 13) is about prophesying future events. We do not prophesy future events through dreams and visions on this website. We merely translate what emotional restoration dreams mean and how people are to deal with their emotions or emotional turmoil. We also translate the messages that God gives to the church and his people (no prophecies so far). If prophecies through dreams about future events do come in the future, they will be judged by the Scripture that you referred to. However, we never had a prophecy yet and this website is 10 years old so I do not understand your comment. Can you please collaborate on that?