I keep hearing the words over and over “Don’t forsake the secret place”. It has been weighing SO HEAVY on my heart lately. There has been such a stirring in my heart that the Lord is releasing a greater invitation to His people to COME DEEPER and COME HIGHER!!!
I had an encounter with Jesus many months ago and He spoke to me about a season of radical acceleration, breakthrough momentum and increase. The MANIFESTATION OF LIFE was springing up ALL AROUND!!!
When Jesus spoke to me about this season we are in and moving further into and how exciting it will be. It will be the “FINALLY SEASON”. The season that we have been waiting for. Where we begin to see the first fruits of breakthrough, we begin to see the explosion of Ephesians 3:20 in our lives, and we begin to see the increased momentum of the move of the Holy Spirit amongst the body of Christ bringing the GREATEST AWAKENING that we have EVER seen. The AWAKENING so glorious, it will spill out into the nations, and we will begin to see a great divine turning, returning and restoration within nations.
In this encounter, Jesus grabbed my hands and with such love in His eyes, He said to me “But don’t lose Me in the breakthrough”. In this encounter I began to weep and weep as I felt the weight of the warning, the weight of the invitation to come deeper and the absolute pure truth and reality that He is so jealous for His people. His heart is always longing and crying out for deeper intimacy with His people. His heart so full of love for His people, so longing to dine with His people and share His heart.
This encounter burnt so deeply in me the heart of the Lord for His people to KNOW HIM and I have carried the fear of the Lord concerning this season of acceleration and breakthrough, crying out for wisdom on how to steward this season of breakthrough, increase, acceleration and extension. I believe that as we are entering deeper into this season that is SO GLORIOUS, the Lord, out of His love, continues to warn us, to call us deeper, to remind us to remain in the secret place and draw us back when we wander.
Jesus is teaching us right now how to STEWARD THIS SEASON WITH PURITY AND INTEGRITY and it all flows from THE SECRET PLACE.
There is a FRUSTRATION that many are feeling in this season. Things are not happening fast enough, or there’s another delay, or things aren’t opening in the way that has been expected, but I want to encourage you to REST and let Him take care of the REST. I have said many times in this season that He is going to lead you to something better than you could ever imagine or expect, but there is a deeper level of surrender to His WAYS and TIMING in this season that is required. Don’t rush your process, continue to delight in Him. Make MEETING WITH HIM DAILY with NO AGENDA your greatest priority and the LIFE and ABUNDANCE that shall flow from that place will leave you in AWE. The frustration many of you are feeling, the Lord is using, to draw you closer to Him, because He wants to release greater revelations of who He is, His beauty and His love. He hasn’t forgotten your dreams and the promises He has given you, He’s working deep on your foundations to keep you anchored in Him.
In this season of acceleration, where there is a temptation to forsake the secret place, not from ill intention, but getting carried away in the breakthrough and joy of the season, even becoming distracted by manifestations of breakthrough, favour and increase – WORSHIP must be a priority every day. Worship will keep you covered, worship will keep your eyes on Him, worship will keep you aligned, yielded and sensitive to Him.
I had a vision as many were getting carried away in this whirlwind season of acceleration beginning to come up against situations that seemed “locked” and they didn’t know the “way through” or how to “unlock” breakthrough in prayer through intercessory strategies. They were running around in a frenzy and they were panicked saying “Where are my keys? I can’t find my keys, where have my keys gone?
“It was then that I saw Jesus standing before them and with a smile on His face He spoke “I AM THE KEY! In Me are ALL KEYS of STRATEGY, WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. DON’T LOSE THE KEY AND YOUR KEYS – WORSHIP!!!”
Last year the Lord was emphasising strongly this is the season of the FIRST LOVE, a great returning, and this year, I believe He is emphasising it EVEN MORE, because of the mighty acceleration, breakthrough and increase we are beginning to see.
“Don’t fall asleep and back into complacency. I want a BRIDE THAT BURNS!!!! To COUNTERACT the SLUMBER – WORSHIP and do not forsake the secret place! Be INTENTIONAL to WORSHIP!!!! WORSHIP WILL KEEP YOU AWAKE!!!!”
“In the secret place right now, you are going to encounter My fire and the power of My Spirit as you worship, that is going to set you alight! It’s going to take you into realms of intimacy with Me that will see your heart and soul filled with the greatest, deepest peace and joy you have ever known. It’s not the time to ‘sit back and relax’ as the pressure lifts. It’s the time to press even deeper still into knowing Me. It’s the time to worship like you have never worshipped before. It’s the time to dance with Me and catch My gaze as I look lovingly towards you and let Me lead you. Let Me guide you. Forsake all other things that are pulling at you, and focus on Me. Trust Me, for I am taking you to places that you have never imagined or dreamed. This is the year where I am causing you to THRIVE and ARRIVE but all life and increase and long lasting fruit will flow from the secret place.”
“It will be EVIDENT in this season who has been in the secret place and who hasn’t.”
“I am highlighting the lamps! I am highlighting the lamps! Look at your lamps! How are your lamps? Are your lamps full? Or are your lamps empty? Do not be found “not ready”. You must be found ready!!!! Come deeper, come deeper My people. Come to Me, not in fear, come to Me in delight, to know Me for who I am. I am working for your good, I am working in your heart, soul and life to set you up for longevity. For what I am doing and about to do in the earth, My people must be rooted and anchored in Me and know the secret place like never before. There must be a new level of sensitivity to see where I am going and what I am doing, and you will only increase in sensitivity as you press into Me and allow Me to teach you and mould you. Your greatest days are upon you, and My heart of love for you, My heart as a good Father is yearning, for you to yield and come deeper in the secret place and allow Me to prepare you for your greatest days upon this earth.”
“There’s a call being released from My heart right now to saturate yourselves in the Word like never before. Feast upon it day and night. Surround yourself with it daily. There’s a temptation to ‘snack’ here and there upon the Word in this season as things as this acceleration increases, but it’s in this place, you need to slow down and FEAST AND CHEW on the Word. It’s CRUCIAL My people are in a place of MEDITATION upon My Word in this season of ELEVATION AND ACCELERATION.”
– Lana Vawser
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