The Golden Key! Correct Dreams Interpretation

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Is there a golden key that can and will guarantee that dreams and visions are interpreted correctly?

What is the most important factor in terms of correct dreams and visions interpretation?

What is the most detrimental factor that causes dreams and visions to be interpreted incorrectly?

What can I do to ensure that I interpret dreams and visions correctly?

How can I limit errors or prevent errors when I interpret dreams and visions?

Yes, there is a GOLDEN KEY: Connect the dream to the relevant incident, event, trauma, experience, discussion, circumstance, query or pondering and you will interpret the dream correctly!

I have written a few posts about this aspect of dreams and visions interpretation but I just cannot empathize it enough.

It really increases your chances of interpreting dreams and visions dramatically. I am absolutely sure of the fact that generally more than ninety percent of all dreams and visions are interpreted incorrectly and this is all because of people failing to connect their dreams to the incident, event, trauma, experience, discussion, circumstance, query or pondering that triggered the dream in the first place. This is the secret to successful dream interpretation.

As a dreams and visions interpreter my biggest challenge is to help people connect their dreams to the incident that triggered the dream in the first place. If there is no connection my first attempt to interpret a dream for someone is usually incorrect because of me being obliged to interpret the dream in a general sense or a spiritual sense. If we are lucky the person may recognize something that reminds him of the original incident that triggered the dream resulting in the interpretation to be spot-on with the second attempt.

It does not have to be like this. We can ensure that we always connect our dreams to the incident that triggered it. It is just a matter of us being consciously aware of things, events and incidents that might trigger a dream or a vision.

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Something that I started doing a few years ago is to go through the day’s incidents, discussions, occurrences, concerns, prayers, people I got involved with during the day and whatever else I suspect may trigger a dream or a vision, just before I go to sleep. This works for me. I am almost every time able to connect the dream to the correct incident in the mornings. This habit has helped me a lot in the past.

We also need to remember that dreams and visions cultivate a deeper and a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is one of the reasons why God communicates with us in this way. Dreams and visions interpretation is supposed to be difficult. We are supposed to put in an effort to seek God’s face and to speak to God. God wants us to have a two-way dialogue with him and He wants us to know what He is talking about when He talks to us. He wants us to be consciously aware of his interactions with us in this regard.

This is why we must be serious with him. This is why we need to honor and respect God when He speaks to us. Imagine the following: Your wife speaks to you during the day. She discusses a few things with you that concerns her. You see her getting involved in an argument with your eldest son. You see her loosing her bracelet. She asks your help regarding a decision which needs to be made and announced before midday the next day. You hear that she struggled with a new kid at the school where she is teaching. That night just before you go to bed you ponder on all these things. You suddenly realize that although the argument with your son was probably the most traumatic incident for your wife, the other matter regarding the decision that she needs to announce before midday the next day will have serious repercussions if she makes the wrong decision. You need to assist her with this decision. Just before work, whilst she was still sleeping, you write her a letter guiding her what to do and what to decide. Now imagine her waking up (you already off to work) reading this letter and she has no idea what you are talking about. She stares at this letter with a blank expression on her face. When she realizes that the letter does not make any sense to her, she carelessly throws it into the dustbin and prepares for work.

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This is what happens with most people everyday of their lives. They fail to connect the symbolic dream with the incident that triggered the dream. Then they completely forget about the dream and they fail to seek God’s face about the dream. They never get the message and that is a great loss. You should see the dreams that I have interpreted through the years for people years after they received it from God. If only they knew how important or wonderful or valuable those messages were they would have put in a huge effort to find the meanings of those dreams or visions. Remember, Christ is our husband and we the church is the wife. Christ loves us. He died for us. He wants to get involved in every little detail of our lives. We just cannot ignore him and we cannot ignore what He says to us.

I have discussed this aspect of dreams interpretation in detail in other posts. You do need to familiarize yourself with these aspects in order to understand this thoroughly. Please read these posts for more clarity regarding this aspect of dream interpretation: Could You Connect Your Dream?, General Dreams Compared To Specific Dreams and Dreams Symbols Interpretation Checklist

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