False Teachings Wrecked My Car!

My friend Alena had a very interesting dream the other day. Before I share this dream with you, let me give you a bit of background on why God spoke to her through this dream. The evening before she had this dream we briefly discussed (by means of email) the false teachings of generational curses and the distorted doctrine of spiritual warfare (Spiritual warfare is a reality but in fact totally different from what mainline churches preach on a daily basis). I explained to Alena the danger in believing these doctrines. I call this post, “False teachings wrecked my car”.

After this discussion Alena went to bed and she obviously pondered on what we discussed. Soon after she fell asleep God spoke to her about these false teachings. This is what she dreamed:

Hi Basie,

What a weird dream I had after I emailed you this morning after 3am.

I dreamed I’m in this dark place with all these males and they playing such dangerous games, wrestling and mutilating each others bodies, it looked like a warehouse where they are mechanizing cars. They were welding on these cars. The place was wet, dirty and dark.

Then I’m in this house. In it was a family I don’t know, they were so many and I got to meet some. They all acted weird.

I then got into my car to drive somewhere. I was accompanied by one lady and a kid. I drove very recklessly, breaking without warning making the passengers fall forward and I also made illegal turns. The one lady then got out observing my driving and says she wishes she had guts to drive like that.

My car then seemed faulty and my sister’s late father (half sister) came and tried to assist fixing it (he was a prominent figure in society and had a high rank in the police and I always wished he could be my dad). I then thought in my heart I asked you to be my father to see how you help me now.

As I was about to leave he (my sister’s late father) told us not to leave. He took us  aside and we started conversing. The house was very disorderly, the coaches had chair covers that’s crinkled and messy, the table’s table cloth was all crumbled up and dirty and I tried to fix things and straighten it up.

Outside the yard these boys (those in the warehouse or workshop that I mentioned) were still wrestling, scraping past each other with sharp objects inflicting each other with wounds.

I then left and go, My car then literally fell apart. I could not get over a barrier because it was too high and I just sat on the floor of the car. It had no roof or doors. I told a friend,  “My car is falling apart but I will just have to repair it”. When I told my friend this she was very annoyed. She however did help me lift up the car and put it on a level road. We started piecing the rusted hinges together to go further but I could see the gears (engine and gearbox) exposed.

– Alena

This is the analysis and the interpretation of the dream:

I dreamed I’m In this dark place with all these males and they playing such dangerous games, wrestling and mutilating each others bodies, it looked like a warehouse where they are mechanizing cars. They were were welding on these cars. The place was wet, dirty and dark:

See also
Interpreting End-Time/Prophetic Symbols

This symbolizes an evil workshop where people are orchestrating and creating damaging things. It addresses (or they targeted) two areas, vehicles (people’s ministries) and human bodies (people’s ability to perform spiritual tasks). Vehicles in dreams symbolize ministries and body parts symbolize people’s spiritual abilities and conditions in terms of ministry; like feet (preparedness to spread the gospel by preaching and testifying of Christ and the cross) legs (persons condition or status in terms of power and strength to stand firm in the body of Christ) arms (people’s ability to achieve deliverance in the lives of people in the church) hands (people’s ability to organize spiritual matters in the body of Christ) etc. See the meanings of all the different body parts in the online Dictionary. By mutilating body parts and damaging people’s vehicles they are causing harm to people and to the church. By damaging vehicles they bring harm to ministries. Mechanizing and welding on these vehicles are nothing but spiritual “sabotage” although most of them do not even know what they are actually doing. Wet, dirty and dark speak of all sorts of evil and demonic influences on these people.

Then I’m In this house. In it was a family I don’t know, they were so many and I got to meet some. They all acted weird:

Weird speaks of abnormal conditions and abnormal actions. Something is spiritually wrong with these people. They do not live and they do not act according to the will and word of God.

I then got into my car to drive somewhere. I was accompanied by one lady and a kid. I drove very recklessly, breaking without warning making the passengers fall forward and I also made illegal turns. The one lady then got out observing my driving and says she wishes she had guts to drive like that:

Reckless driving speaks of saying things, teaching things and acting recklessly in a spiritual sense. It means you are not ministering in the body of Christ according to the word of God. That is dangerous and it puts people at risk. You are causing disunity in terms of teachings and you have no regards for the safety of people. False teachings expose people in terms of them not being spiritually protected because of them believing those false teachings. False teachings change people’s lives for the worse.

My car then seemed faulty and my sister’s late father (half sister) came and tried to assist fixing it (he was a prominent figure in society and had a high rank in the police and I always wished he could be my dad). I then thought in my heart I asked you to be my father to see how you help me now:

See also
Radio Broadcasting Dreams Interpretation Course

You did come to a stop when your car broke which speaks of you not being able to minister anymore. You arrived at a place in your spiritual journey and ministry where you needed help to overcome the problems you are experiencing. You looked at somebody in the past that you could rely upon and you looked at me as well. When you look at somebody in the past it speaks of you wishing a trusted father figure (with experience on the subject (false man-made traditions) can fix the mess you’re in.

Remember that in dreams a “father”, when it refers to a human being, speaks of somebody helping you. You do look up to such a person however, a father in God’s eyes is not positionally over you or really your superior. It only speaks of someone assisting you on your spiritual journey. Only God can be your Father (Do not call anyone your father except your Father who is in heaven).

As I was about to leave he (my sister’s late father) told us not to leave. He took us  aside and we started conversing. The house was very disorderly, the coaches had chair covers that’s crinkled and messy, the table’s table cloth was all crumbled up and dirty. I tried to fix things and straighten it up:

This scene speaks of spiritual chaos because of wrong teachings and wrong spiritual socializing (House disorderly, table cloth crumbled and dirty, coaches crinkled covers). This person (sisters father) was a policeman which speaks of an ability to judge the legality of doctrines. In a negative sense it speaks of legalism or erroneous doctrines. In dreams policeman often symbolizes legalistic people judging others and overseeing others. In the dream this person could not help you except from conversing with you (old past traditions not being able to help). The scene here speaks of disorderly situations in terms of spiritual matters.

Outside the yard these boys (those in the warehouse or workshop that I mentioned) were still wrestling, scraping past each other with sharp objects inflicting each other with wounds:

This speaks of the people in the church (instruments in the hands of Satan) recklessly doing the work of evil, messing up people’s ministries and spiritual abilities as sons of God in Christ. They are even injuring each other with knifes (words of teachings). See sword, knife, dagger in the online Dictionary, which in a positive sense symbolize the word of God but in a negative sense false teachings. Wrestling symbolizes trying to win arguments by convincing each other of viewpoints (teachings). These guys are all wrestling with each other, hurting each other and injuring each other with their false teachings.

I then left and go, My car then literally fell apart. I could not get over a barrier because it was too high and I just sat on the floor of the car. It had no roof or doors. I told a friend,  “My car is falling apart but I will just have to repair it”. When I told my friend this she was very annoyed. She however did help me lift up the car and put it on a level road. We started piecing the rusted hinges together to go further but I could see the gears (engine and gearbox) exposed:

See also
Symbols Of Animals In Dreams and Visions

Through the years your ministry and your spiritual abilities (anointing) in Christ were seriously damaged by people in the church preaching false doctrines. These were doctrines like “generational curses”, distorted “spiritual warfare” doctrines, “Jesus only” teachings, errenous “end times” doctrines and all sorts of other false doctrines. It caused you to not being able to carry on as an instrument of excellence in the hands of God. The rusty areas on your car speaks of man-made doctrines. Missing doors and car parts speak of the damage these false doctrines caused. This exposed you to outside elements (spiritual storms and evil demonic activities). Exposed gears (gears are very important) speaks of the possibility that you will totally loose the ability to carry on with your ministry unless you fix the car. Fortunately you, not like so many other children of God, came to a place where you realized you need help to sort out the mess (Your ministry and your spiritual abilities (anointing) as a son of God in Christ).

Interpretation: God showed you what is going on in the church in terms of people spreading false teachings. He showed you who is behind it and he showed you the extend of the damage they cause in the church. He even showed you the damage it caused in your own life. You need to repair your ministry and you need to restore your abilities you are suppose to enjoy as a son of God in Christ. You need to start afresh with the word of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to open his word for you. This is not easy but not difficult either. You can be back on track in no time. People who are struggling with this process are people who just do not want to give up the false teachings that they have been taught through the years.

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