This week’s PRACTICAL DREAM ANALYSIS report is very interesting. Not only the symbols are interesting but the way the Lord uses sequential dreams (or scenes) to shed more light onto the meaning of the dream is quite interesting. Remember the analysis reports are part of our “Dreams and Visions Interpretation Course” program. These reports will be of tremendous value as it will slowly but surely train you and prepare you to master the gift of the “interpretation of dreams and visions”. You will eventually interpret dreams and visions correctly and according to Biblical principles. Of course it will become easier and quicker as you get more familiar with the different principles that govern dream and vision interpretation.
Although it is a gift, it is a gift that God gave all his children.
Although it is a gift, it does take time and practice. Apart from getting more and more familiar with all the different symbols, the principles and the different fundamentals of dream analysis, it also cultivates a closer and more intimate relationship with Christ our Lord.
So, read all the reports as faithful as you can and stand up and be counted!
This was a dream that a mother submitted for her daughter. You will notice that it was actually three or four sequential dreams. Most of the time sequential dreams are related and they actually shed more light unto each other in order for you to grasp what God wants to tell you:
In A dream I was in this tropical area. And there was a man and his son. A young boy, I was watching from the side. And it seemed like the man was hurting, he was hurting because there was something about his son that he could not cater to. A need about his son that he could not cater to. In the dream I remembered Inyala (the TV lady who helps people with relationships) saying to the father “you need to fix this, you are a poor excuse for a father”. And then I remember in that room I became visible. I was playing with the child. They all recognized I was there. The child ask “can you be my Mommy, can you be my mommy?” And I laughed saying “no”. The father looked at me, and I understood the child needed a mother. I left the room and came back and the child run to me screaming “Mommy, mommy, mommy! I realize the child does not want to hear he does not have a Mom. So I said “O hi, hi honey!” The child asked please, please, please, can you be my mom? I looked at the father who started smiling, like seeing his child happy. I saw the man was so broken. I asked myself should I stay with this man for the sake of the child? I made up my mind to be with this man so I can be the mother of that child.
And I remember we got out of the resort and we were driving by, and there were the same glass houses on the resort except none of the houses has walls. And every one is only on the top floor. You can see people having birthday parties. From the car ride we ended up on the go train.
The father of the child wanted to be alone because he was so disappointed as a father. I did not want to talk to him, I just carried the boy. We sat in a separate spot looking out the window and I was holding him and he fell asleep.
It switched to me watching a phone screen under a glass. I was watching a Flinstones cartoon. The Flintstones woman was pregnant. And they were at some party. Her and Flintstones decide to jump off the stage and they fell with a thud on the ground. When I looked at her, nothing happened to her belly, but a whole bunch of tiny baby turtles came out of her tummy and went back to the water. So she was not bearing a baby but millions of baby turtles.
It was weird.
It zooms out a bit and I see, looking at the screen through the glass. And I see the night sky behind the glass. And I see a shooting star, and I0 said “o my gosh a shooting star”. I turned around and called my Sister Petra. Suddenly we are in our old house at Durnford, in our bedroom. And I realized that the scene under the glass now is the scene outside our window. My sister came and we looking at the glass and I said “a shooting star”. My sister said “I don’t see it”. A second shooting star came but the rock was huge, I said “no this is a meteor”. Again my sister said “I don’t see it”. The third one came, but there was no fire, but the same size rock. Again my sister did not see it. The fourth one came, there was no fire, but it was moving at the slower pace spiraling down towards the ground. And then the fifth one came. It was moving at a slower pace, the rock was cut in half but it was closer to our window, much closer, and then I woke up. So there was five shooting starts.
Dream Analysis: (As reported back to the person who had this dream)
The dream that your daughter had is quite extraordinary for a 20 year old girl.
This dream is all about God showing her the condition of the church. He showed her the condition of the church because He has a purpose for her regarding the restoration of the church. It is her calling and it will be her ministry. To explain the meaning of this dream I am going to give you a short summary starting with the last scene:
With the last scene God showed her that the church fell from grace in 5 stages (Five stars falling, It fell from grace referring to the church’s roll being a faithful witness, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as preaching the word of God). With the previous scene of the Flintstones He showed her one of the reasons it fell from grace. With the scene of the father without a wife and who was raising the son very poorly, He gave her more detail why the church arrived at this terrible state of mediocrity and spiritual apostasy. In this scene He also showed her the part that He wants her to play regarding the restoration work that He wants to do through her. Now I am not sure whether this condition refers to Canada, North America, a local area or even the global church. I however feel in my spirit that this is about more than just the local church. Although I am discussing the symbols below, in order for your daughter to clearly understand the interpretation of the dream correctly, she needs to look up the different symbols in the dictionary.
Dream Symbols analysis:
I was in this tropical area with blue serene beach:
A tropical sunny area speaks of an environment where God has more than the average influence on people. The sun’s rays shining on people speaks of the influence of God. It brings heat and light on their skins and on their lives. Tropical conditions also speak of much fruitfulness. The blue serene beach speaks of the righteousness of God, the revelation of God and the peace of God. This all speaks of the “availability” of God and his word (people have access to the gospel). In a negative sense it speaks of the church being in a state of rest as in being on vacation. This speaks of the church being relaxed and not functioning as it is supposed to do.
And there was a man and his son, I remember Inyala (the TV lady who helps people with relationships) saying to the father “you need to fix this, you area poor excuse for a father”:
Yet, in spite of (irrespective of) these favorable circumstances, or because of the church being spiritually inactive, we find the father and his son who are spiritually not in a good condition. All the negative things about the father speaks of ignorance, laziness, failing to carry out his responsibilities, etc. The red shirt of the boy speaks of the boy, because of being poorly raised in a spiritual sense, being prepared to take on or display an attitude of discontent and disunity (in dreams the color red symbolizes a person who has an attitude of conflict, anger, vengeance and fury). In the dream the boy does not yet act that way but the red shirt speaks of that foundation already being laid. Although literal, this father son relationship also symbolizes the leaders of the church, symbolized by the father (man or messenger of God) and the son (young leaders or future leaders). So in this sense it speaks of the outgoing leaders (who were ignorant and disobedient) making way for the new generation (who are in disunity and discontent).
A young boy, I was watching from the side. And it seemed like the man was hurting, he was hurting because there was something about his son that he could not cater to. A need about his son that he could not cater to:
Now there is another reason, other than being ignorant and disobedient, that the father lacked. He lacked a wife or spiritual support. The wife is the mother of the child. In dreams a child’s mother symbolizes the Holy Spirit. A mother’s purpose in life is a lot like the ministry of the Holy Spirit: She is the comforter and she is the one who exhorts, assists and cares for the children. She guides the children and she teaches the children so that they can build character. She looks after them and make sure that they are raised the right way. She makes sure they get everything they need in order to be healthy and in order to develop like they should. The church (especially the leaders or the five-fold ministry), lacked the Holy Spirit but it also lacked people (being Spirit filled and being led by the Holy Spirit), who can minister unto them. They lacked people who can be the “mothers” (as an extension of the ministry of the Holy Spirit) for the new generation.
And then I remember in that room I became visible. I was playing with the child with a red shirt. They all recognized I was there. The child ask “can you be my Mommy, can you be my mommy?”. And I laughed saying “no”. The father looked at me, and I understood the child needed a mother. I left the room and came back and the child run to me screaming “Mommy, mommy, mommy”. I realize the child does not want to hear he does not have a Mom. So I said “O hi, hi honey!” The child asked please, please, please, can you be my mom?:
After your daughter’s preparation process, God is going to make her visible to the younger generation. He is going to bring her on the scene and they will immediately recognize her as a Spirit filled, anointed instrument in the hand of God. They were actually longing for a “mother” like your daughter. There will be a longing in their hearts that she should look after them by giving them spiritual guidance, care and assistance. At first she might not want to do it immediately but she will grow into it. She will not be able to resist caring for that young boy (younger generation church) after she has been prepared and anointed by God.
I looked at the father who started smiling, like seeing his child happy. I saw the man was so broken. I asked myself should I stay with this man for the sake of the child. I made up my mind to be with this man so I can be the mother of that child:
Here we can already see that she is willing to stay with them and she decided to do it. It is however not for the older generation church but for the young church that she will stay. This is good because this is where God will make a huge impact on the body of Christ. Please take note that I am not talking about youth ministry. It can be older people who are young at heart in a spiritual sense and who are willing to be taught and developed.
And I remember we got out of the resort and we were driving by, and there were the same glass houses on the resort except none of the houses has walls. From the car ride we ended up on the go train. (It is the pricier better and most comfortable of the two train systems). It travels longer distances than the other one. The go train is green:
This scene symbolizes the spiritual progress that will be made after she starts ministering unto the body of Christ. The car speaks of a small “departure” or initial ministry and later the train speaks of a more controlled, more “impact” type of ministry where millions of people will be influenced. A resort speaks of a place of spiritual inactivity. She takes them out of that environment into a more spiritual active environment. No walls speaks of outward expansion and no exclusivity. It speaks of transparency.
And every one is only on the top floor. You can see people having birthday parties:
The second floor speaks of a place of agreement. The top floor or the higher levels of a skyscraper speaks of people with either prominent positions or a strong influence in the institutional church. This speaks of people in agreement with the new birth of the ministry of your daughter. A party and celebrating birthdays speaks of people being glad about the new ministry. It also speaks of her ministry giving birth to other similar ministries.
The father of the child wanted to be alone because he was so disappointed as a father. I did not want to talk to him, I just carried the boy. We sat in a separate spot looking out the window and I was holding him and he fell asleep:
This indicates that the older generation might not be willing to work with your daughter. They will withdraw because of their substandard spiritual condition. They will not be part of what your daughter will be doing in the body of Christ but at least they will not prevent her from doing what she must. Your daughter will ignore them and that will probably be the right thing to do. She will bring spiritual rest in the body of Christ as symbolized by the boy falling asleep in her arms.
It switched to me watching a phone screen under a glass. I was watching a Flintstones cartoon:
A phone is an instrument of communication. In dreams it speaks of us communicating with God or other people. It speaks of prayer and it also speaks of hearing God’s voice. But we can also communicate by not speaking but by sending each other images or videos. In this dream God did the same with your daughter. He decided to send her a video in order for her to understand a certain situation. A window or a glass speaks of an opportunity to have spiritual insight into a certain situation. Eyes, glasses as in spectacles, windows and glasses resembling windows are all closely connected in dreams. They all speak of spiritual insight. God not only showed her a video, He also gave her spiritual insight into the situation as displayed in the video.
The Flinstones woman was pregnant. And they were at some party:
Cartoons speak of people and events that are actually fake. It is fake because it is man-made. A cartoonist is not busy with real life and real events. He is “inventing” people and events which do not really exists. It is all fake. The problem is that in dreams cartoons symbolizes real life situations. People make these fake cartoons a reality. They start to really live these man-made ways of live. In this case there is a man, Fred Flintstone, and a woman, his wife. His wife is pregnant. Although it is a cartoon it does not differ from the previous scene. A man symbolizes a messenger of God and a woman, in this case, the church. They are busy with frivolous acts and rejoicing life on a stage. This speaks of being silly. It speaks of the church and its leaders not behaving like spiritually matured people should.
Both the Flinstones decided to jump off the stage and they fell with a thud on the ground. When I looked at her, nothing happened to her belly, but a whole bunch of tiny baby turtles came out of her tummy and went back to the water. So she was not bearing a baby but millions of baby turtles:
Jumping off the stage was yet another frivolous act but it also symbolizes their fall from grace. They did it on purpose. However, what they did in the past, their spiritual seed or legacy, produced sea turtles and lots of it. Sea turtles symbolize people who are well adapted to roam (far distances) and to live excellent (successful) lives in the world of the unsaved masses (sea). They are well adapted to feed at one place and to reproduce at another place. They know where to go in life in order to excel and to multiply other people that are like they are. They do not give much attention or regard for spiritual things but are focused on their own personal gains and goals in order to gather and to reproduce. They live long lives and are well protected. They will go far (great distances) to achieve what they want. Now this is a description of the fall of the church. It depicts the attitude and way of life of churches, church leaders and Christians. This is what the church produced because this is what they were pregnant with. They produced Christians with a sea turtle-like attitude. They are totally consumed with their man-made way of spiritual life.
It zooms out a bit and I see, looking at the screen through the glass. And I see the night sky behind the glass:
Looking through a glass speaks of a God given insight into something. God is giving you insight into a particular matter. The night sky speaks of the influence of darkness on the specific stars (or people). It speaks of the behind the scenes evil forces behind the church’s fall from grace.
And I see a shooting star, and I said “o my gosh a shooting star”. I turned around and called my Sister Petra:
A falling star symbolizes a backsliding person who is removed from authority like Satan and the demons were removed from authority. A falling star can also speak of a Christian who has lost his faith by turning his back on God. In this case however, it speaks of the combined witnesses of Christ, the church. A falling star falls and burns out in the process. It looses its power as symbolized by fire being quenched. It looses the Holy Spirit (power will come over you when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire). Her sister symbolizes those in the body of Christ that is her (colleagues, co-workers, sister in Christ, etc.)
Suddenly we are in our old house at Durnford, in our bedroom. And I realize that the scene under the glass now is the scene outside our window:
Bedroom in this sense speaks of a place of or condition of spiritual inactivity. God wanted to show your daughter how and why the church fell from grace. He did it from a place that symbolizes the condition of the church (spiritual inactivity). Again a window speaks of spiritual insight given by God. From her room it is more personalized because she, like most of us, witnessed the church loosing its power all around us which also makes it personal.
My sister came and we looking at the glass and I said “a shooting star”. My sister said “I don’t see it”:
This was the first star that fell. The number one symbolizes unity (one in Christ). This speaks of the church loosing its unity. Co-workers in the church will not agree that the church fell from grace. To them everything is “honky dory”. They are of the “Flintstones” generation. When you call them to witness the fall of the church in this regard they see no fall.
A second shooting star came but the rock was huge, I said “no this is a meteor”:
The number two symbolizes agreement and union. This was huge and it emphasizes the loosing of unity even further by means of passive disunity now becoming open discord.
Again my sister said I don’t see it:
Again many in the church will not admit that the church fell from grace pertaining to her roll as a true and faithful witness.
The third one came, but there was no fire, but the same size rock. Again my sister did not see it (gray with holes):
The number three symbolizes harmony and one accord. This one was already spiritually dead before it fell speaking of the lack of power. Again many see no problem with this.
The fourth one came, there was no fire, but it was moving at the slower pace spiraling down towards the ground:
The number four symbolizes spiritual knowledge. In this case there was a slow decay of spiritual truths. The church slowly but surely interpreted the word of God to what they want it to be. They created the one false doctrine after the other. Slowly but surely the church lost its spiritual knowledge and it became ignorant.
And then the fifth one came. It was moving at a slower pace, the rock was cut in half but it was closer to our window, much closer, and then I woke up. So there was five shooting starts:
The number five symbolizes fruitfulness (fertility). Because of loosing all its spiritual abilities, the church was not fruitful anymore. It was spiritually dead. The fact that it was cut in half speaks of even further division.
The positive numbers above was before the fall of each aspect when it turned to become negative numbers. See “Numbers” in the dictionary.
Your daughter has been called by God to be an instrument in his hand in order to bring restoration in the body of Christ. He showed her what went wrong in the church and He showed her the bad situation it finds itself right at this moment. He also showed her in which areas He wants to use her in future. Make no mistake, in order to do this she is going to need a lot of preparation. She will have to be patient and she will have to proceed at God’s pace, which can be very slow by the way. The preparation phase can take quite a long time but God does it that way in order to protect us. I am convinced that she is called for a wonderful ministry in the body of Christ. It will set a lot of people free and it will help restore the church.
Symbols and information to be checked and studied:
(I am including this practical exercise because people tend to miss very important symbols in dreams and visions. They assume that some symbols are not important and they also do not recognize hidden or obscure symbols. This exercise will also give you the opportunity to learn the symbols by heart)
Check if you could recognize all the different symbols in the dream (include all scenes) and check it out in the dreams dictionary. Were there any symbols that you missed or did not recognize?
I need to make it clear that all we can do is we can help people understand their dreams. We can help them with the basics. We help them with most of the interpretation but even after we have done that they still need to seek God’s face about the dream. They need to deal with issues and they need to sort out their responsibilities, actions and reactions in terms of the relevant dream or vision.
Please read the posts in our newest category, “Interesting Discussions on dreams” which will help you a lot.

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